The secret of a powerful man is that he is a pillar of
consciousness who is able to contain all the contradictions of life and remain
centered.This begins by him accepting his power and his vulnerability together in the
same moment. He accepts his animal instinct as well as his intellectual
refinement. He is thus able to hold a woman who is the very embodiment of
contradictions. She is Shakti, containing all the varied and liquid forms of
feminine nature. Ruled by the moon, she changes with the ebb and flow of the
tides. Her orgasm catapults her beyond mind, into transcendent reality. The
greatest gift for the man happens when he is able to be the pure fire of awareness,
Shiva, holding Shakti as she lets go into multi orgasmic splendour.
The secret of a powerful woman is that she is fully alive to her loving, devotional, emotional and psychic abilities. She is fluid like water, and is therefore able to accept change easily. Going with the flow, is the way of yin. She craves nothing so much as finding a man, or a god to whom she may abandon herself to in fullest surrender. Letting go and being possessed by the divine masculine is her deepest ecstasy. She is able to let go, because her throne is the heart, the seat of love. And every woman knows deep down, that God is love, and that love is God. Since the very essence of divinity finds its abode in her heart, she can afford to be sweet, giving and nurturing.
Now imagine for a moment what an amazing world we would be living in, if men and women lived their true opposite and yet complementary natures, with integrity. Imagine a politician who was in touch with his vulnerable inner child, while at the same time was able to remain rooted in his pillar of consciousness, nourished by deep meditation. Imagine a politician who was able to offer his beloved a night of multi orgasmic union, and was then able to give a speech to the nation on the necessity of caring for the earth as we would care for our own mother. He is both strong, and vulnerable, and this is what makes him eminently attractive. He has learned the art of loving a woman and this has ignited the desire to love and care for his country.
And imagine, how it would be, if a radiantly loving multi orgasmic woman were to work in a corporate setting, and had the power to run it her way. Her office is full of plants and flowers, she offers holistic healing to her workers, and her company has the feeling of a loving family. All her customers are encouraged to love and nurture themselves and she has a unique system of profit sharing and a clear intention to give back to the earth whatever has been borrowed. The building she works in has been designed to honour the undulating contours of nature, and is ecological and self-sustaining.
In our present time, it is unfortunate that men have forgotten their deeper potential. They tend to be either at the extreme of testosterone, going amok on a power crazed rape of the earth and her resources, or in the opposite extreme of feeling so deeply apologetic for being men that they become effeminate and cut off from their masculine resources. And women, ahh, sisters, how sad it is to see you turning your back on feminine grace and trying in vain to compete with men by acquiring masculine qualities! You will be able to help yourselves and the world much more, by opening up your true feminine glory. The Goddess is back, and this time, she seeks balance of the sexes. Like two banks of a river, we appear separate, and yet in the middle of the river of life, we meet, and experience being one in essence. How rich is the union of opposites!
I see the future as that of love, joy and celebration. I sense that in the new dawn of humanity, Tantra will find its true place, offering as it does the alchemy for the meeting of sex, love and spirit. When our animal nature is recognized as divine, and when our spirituality is fully embodied, we will then know the fullness of our potential. We will discover wholeness, and healing. We will realize God as male and female in perfect union.
༺♥༻ Sarita {Two Banks of the River of Life} ╰დ╮❤╭დ╯
Art by Canan Berber© ❤