Therapies and the Spiritual Path

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Sunday, 8 April 2012

Whatever Your Beliefs Happy Easter- Feliz Fiestas

Whatever Your Beliefs

Happy Easter- Feliz Fiestas

Whatever your beliefs, or non-beliefs let us be positive about the concepts of Easter:
Reincarnation – Rebirth (spirits never die – only bodies)
New Beginnings
Spring (in Northern Hemisphere), new green shoots of nature.

What are you dreams and desires?
Write them down. Visualise them.
Believe you can achieve them.

What is you truth?
What are your core beliefs?
What is your life purpose?

Are you ready to live your truth, and step away from present realities, however comfortable they may seem to be?

Perhaps your story is that you work for money in a job you don’t like, in a relationship which does not satisfy your body or your soul, and you mix with people who drain your energies?

Or perhaps life is perfect and you do what you enjoy each day, in positive loving energies which are so abundant that you raise everyone around you?

Perhaps your truth is to live in honesty, integrity, consciousness, compassion, love, positivity and balance, and to be your REAL self? Are you living that truth?

If not what is your mind telling you that stops you following your heart, your dreams and your true path?

We each have a path to travel. Each day we can make many choices. Make conscious choices which are right for you and to raise you to the highest levels of vibration and life.

“I am the Rainbow Warrior. I walk the Earth in Truth, Honesty and Integrity”.

Be the Best You Can Be.