Therapies and the Spiritual Path

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Wednesday, 28 April 2010

Personal meditation and explanation

I went to the meditation group in Mojacar last night and wrote this afterwards:

The meditation took me to a dark, safe place where I floated, then drifted across to the place in the woods by Rishikesh where the Baba lived in his tent house, and his followers sat waiting for words of wisdom. I drifted back and forth between the two.

Lin said that the dark safe place is “no thing” place, like zen. A good place to relax, and rest and think, and revisit.

Going to the Baba shows my quest for more wisdom in a relaxed way. Lin says I will go again to India and could become like the Baba, full of wisdom, but keeping much inside until it is needed. Perhaps even the loin cloth! My choice of course. She is sure that I was in India in a previous life and sees a Sai Baba look alike guide with me (more than once). Perhaps that is why I had to go to India this year to reconnect.

Lucy says:

Certainly, you will go more and more in search for that inner peace and
It seems India has had a big impact on you, as it has on many people...
Am sending you much healing Love...

What is Channeling

What is Channeling?

Magenta Pixie 2012 is a channeler who passes on the information we seek through a large range of videos.

"I have been asked to explain channeling by several people so here is my attempt to do this. Channeling can be viewed in many ways but it is essentially communication with a being or energy outside yourself, from a higher dimension of existence, or a deeper part of yourself."

Check out this and many fascinating videos.

Tuesday, 27 April 2010

Butterfly poem


The angels sent a butterfly to me

Beautiful, perfection in nature.

I have no control over her.

She has free will like me.

She came to me for a reason

Then flew away.

I wish that she will return.

The Universe sends me many signs

That if I Trust, she will

Once more alight her beauty in my hand

And ever be there for me in her glory.

by David Millner

Monday, 26 April 2010

Walk at Sunset

Walk in Spirit, in nature. It is a therapy.

It is sunset. I took a walk by the beach, a small swell rolling in, a few fishermen watching their rods. The sun set behind the hills to the west. The hills are in silouette. The air is still, much bird song in the air. Swallows swoop around the buildings. The nearly full moon is high in the sky and covered by hazy high cloud. I want to share my walk with you. Enjoy it too.

Sunday, 25 April 2010

It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar.......

“It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new. But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful. There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is power.” Alan Cohen

Living in the 5th Dimension and Releasing the Illusions of the 3rd Dimension

Living in the 5th Dimension and Releasing the Illusions of the 3rd Dimension

Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn

February, 2005

Dearest Ones, this channel comes to you after requests from Lightworkers to understand the nature of the energy right now, and why you are finding it so difficult to cope with life. Nothing seems to work anymore. You feel unsupported and abandoned in many cases. You are exhausted and anxious, and you feel as though you cannot go on any more. Well, this is quite true. You cannot go on any more living in a way that is primarily third-dimensional. The Earth has made her transition and is now firmly anchored in the Fifth Dimension. And yet most of you continue with your third-dimensional lives as though nothing had happened.

We know that most of you are expecting that you will wake up one day and see and feel the changes. But no, part of your role as lightworkers is that you will create the changes yourselves. It is up to you to start living the truth and the reality of the Fifth Dimension.

Maintaining the illusion of the Third Dimension is what is causing the stress and exhaustion among you. The shaky and disintegrating structures of the former Third Dimension are no longer enough to hold your lives together. Money and economics no longer support your lives as they once did. Relationships no longer provide the security and support and safety that they once did. Your physical bodies are tired and feel as though they can no longer keep doing this. And we would say to you, yes indeed, it is time to let go and fully embrace your new reality.

But what is even more exhausting for many of you as lightworkers, is the constant swing between dimensional realities. You live your new reality, and yet you are constantly being pulled into the old reality frame that is being lived out by those around you. The constant shift of frames and perspectives is another contributing factor to your exhaustion, anxiety, and feeling of being unsupported.

Dearest Ones, we realize that most of you are a little bewildered about your new reality, and wish that you had some kind of "instruction manual" to help you along. Well, we will offer some guidelines here, but primarily we ask that you be understanding of how unstable and erratic your reality is at present. People are confused and uncertain. Those who are not conscious of the ascension process have no explanation for what is happening in their lives, and are feeling the most stress and anxiety because they see only the evidence of disintegration and chaos. They are becoming increasingly confused and unhappy. But understand that as they feel these emotions, they are coming increasingly closer to "waking up" and understanding what is real, and to begin to create the new reality with you.

Here we would offer to you an understanding of Fifth Dimensional reality very briefly. The most important difference between Third and Fifth Dimensional reality is a change in the nature of Time and Space and how they are perceived by you. Time and Space were fixed realities in the Third Dimension. In the Fifth Dimension they are fluid and are understood to be largely illusionary.

Time in the Fifth Dimension is perceived as the Eternal NOW or present. The cycles of day and night are understood to be mechanical markers of cycles of being, but have no real effect or power over the creative potential of the Now moment. This means that what you feel and experience in the present moment is the only essentially important experience. The past and the future have no relevance as such. What you create and experience in this moment is who and what you are and what you will be, unless you shift your intention.

Once you understand this principle fully, you will understand how to cope with your sense that there is never enough time to accomplish what you need to do. Focus on the present moment, experience it fully in its immediacy, and you will find that time will stretch for you into an eternity. Yes it sounds magical, but the Fifth Dimension is a magical place! And know that what you focus your attention on will become increasingly powerful and will manifest in your life, as you become increasingly aware of your power as creators within the Fifth

The same is true for space. You will increasingly see that space and distance are only illusions of the material plane. You are always and immediately connected to others who are your soul and heart family, no matter where they may be on the planet. The Internet has taught you in a physical way how the illusion of space can be bridged. You will soon understand that within yourselves you have the ability to maintain these links telepathically with those to whom you are connected.

And after this understanding will come the understanding that every human is always connected to every other human on the energetic level, and that what you call a "planet" is no more than a great co-creation of all the beings on that planet, including the animals and the non-sentient beings. In fact a planet is really a great creative "node" where many creator "gods" work together to produce a "consensus" reality. Once you understand this fully, you will begin to understand how to utilize the Paradise Matrix that has been set up in order to co-create the Paradise of the Fifth Dimension that was your original plan for the planet.

Once you understand these principles, you can move forward into the Adventure of the Unfolding of the Creative Now Moment! Understand that your reality will seem to move quicker because your vibration is now higher. Events will unfold rapidly. Things will change rapidly. You will need to be fluid and flexible and open to rapid changes. You will have to have absolute trust that your Higher Aspect in tandem with Spirit knows what you need and where to take you, and that you can follow this unfolding with confidence and trust.

And finally, you will need to be in touch with your Creative Passion! It is the only thing that will move you forward at this time. Otherwise you will stagnate. In the Fifth Dimension you are no longer moved forward along the "tracks" of career and work that once supported you. Now it is the energy and movement of your creative passion that will take you forward. Are you willing to let go of the old structures and move into the flow of new creations and new realities? The extent to which you hold on to old structures will be an exact correlation to the extent of the anxiety and stress that you will feel. It is only when you connect with the flow of Creative Passion that you will move forward in your own Creative Unfolding. And this is the true essence of the Multi-Dimensional experience of Who You Are that is the gift of your New Fifth-Dimensional Planet.

It is our hope that this message will help you to understand the challenges of your present time and to move more rapidly through this transition into full Fifth-Dimensional creative joy.

Thursday, 22 April 2010

Sacred Cow. India

Nature of time and space....

The most important difference between Third and Fifth Dimensional reality is a change in the nature of Time and Space and how they are perceived by you. Time and Space are fixed realities in the Third Dimension. Within the Fifth Dimension they are fluid and are understood illusionary. Time in the Fifth Dimension is perceived as the present. The cycles of day and night are understood to be markers of cycles of being, but have no real effect over the creative potential of the Now moment. This means that what you feel and experience in the present moment is the only important experience. The past and the future have no relevance. What you create and experience in this moment is who and what you are and what you will be, unless you shift your intention. Once you understand this, you will know how to cope with your sense that there is never enough time to accomplish what you need to do. Focus on the present moment, experience it fully in its immediacy, and you will find that time will stretch for you. Yes it sounds magical, but the Fifth Dimension is magical! Know that what you focus your attention on will become increasingly powerful and will manifest in your life, as you become increasingly aware of your power as creators within the Fifth Dimension. You will increasingly see that space and distance are only illusions of the material world. You are always and immediately connected to others who are your soul and heart family, no matter where they may be in the universe. You understand that within yourselves you have the ability to maintain these links telepathically with those to whom you are connected.

Priscilla Thompson

The Way of Life in the Fifth Dimension by Jim Self

The third dimension operates with a specific set of rules and has certain characteristics, aspects, boundaries, edges, mutations and structures. We see three main structures sustaining this dimension.

Rigid Structures of the Third Dimension

Duality – A dual mode of perception: right-wrong, positive-negative, good-bad, should-shouldn’t, up-down, black-white.
Linear Time – The perception that time only moves in a straight line (one direction) and is experienced as past, present and future.
Rational Mind – The GPS of the third dimension. The analytical, reasoning thought processor designed to make comparisons, draw conclusions, store information, calculate, and make determinations.

Flexible Structures of the Fourth Dimension

Now Time – This is your point of power. Each now moment is a threshold to new beginnings and fresh choices.
Choice – The power to consciously choose to initiate something else in any moment.
Paradox – Contradictory truths. Something that was true a moment ago but may not be true in the next now moment.
Alignment / Balance – A state of equilibrium which neutralizes opposing forces.

In the Fifth Dimension, 3-D ‘Reaction’ and 4-D ‘Response’ Give Way to Integration

Reintegration – When you attain fifth-dimensional consciousness you experience the reintegration with your Higher Self. This reconnection with the higher parts of you brings higher awareness and allows you to know yourself at the Soul level. You begin to Be who you came here to be. Your innate spiritual abilities increase and reveal themselves. These include clairvoyance, telepathy and abstract intuition.

Access the Wisdom You Know – Life in the fifth-dimension is stunning because you are fully conscious again. You are aware of and can access the wisdom and information available within your Being that resides in all the dimensions. There is no separation. You are one with the All and All is you.

Experience Higher, Lighter Energy – In 5D, you vibrate in feelings like reverence, beauty and kindness. The coat you choose to wear each day bears no resemblance to what you typically walk around wearing in 3D. And much of what you experience is no longer expressed from the mind or in words (intellect/brain) but pours forth from the heart and the feelings (the senses recombine forming a sixth sense). You achieve a quiet knowingness.

Higher Mind – In this level of living, when the mental and emotional bodies merge, the union activates the Higher Mind and you operate from the mind of your Soul. You begin to know what the Soul knows and make Soul-guided choices.

Simultaneous Time – Living in 5D, you move into Simultaneous Time which allows you to see the broader perspective of All That Is. All the answers to your questions lie exactly where the question is asked and you are able to view all possibilities before taking action.

So, why did we choose to leave this wonderful place where all is known and go to the third dimension, anyway? When Creator wanted to know Himself/Herself better He/She asked for volunteers, and guess who ran to the front of the line saying “Pick me, pick me!” You did! Creator sent the brightest and the best (you) on this special quest to explore the outermost regions of existence. It was, and is, a grand adventure that only the biggest and most enthusiastic spirits signed up for.

Why did we choose the third dimension and not another? Duality does not exist in the higher dimensions and duality is an important part of what we wanted to experience. Our explorations took us many places but as we went deeper into density we eventually found ourselves playing in the slower vibrations of the world of form (matter). Here we could delve into cause and effect and discover the results of our choices and actions. Here we had free will to explore the most divergent ranges of frequencies (including fear, hate, anger, betrayal, etc). When we signed up for this adventure we did not know that we would become immersed in it or that we would forget who we are, where we came from, why we came, and how to get back Home. We now have an opportunity to remember who we are and return Home.

The Long-Awaited “Shift of the Ages” is Upon Us

We have taken the third-dimensional adventure as far as we can. We have been wildly successful at what we set out to accomplish and explore in this diverse, dense, duality. A huge vibrational up-shift (on every level) is what the Earth and her inhabitants are undergoing right now. You are a very important part of this Shift. You are big, not small. You are significant, not insignificant. You make a difference and your contribution is valued by all of humanity and by All That Is. Welcome the change to a new way of life, dear friends, for together we have begun the process of bringing Heaven to the Earth.

Jim Self is an author (Spirit Matters – Down-to-Earth Tools for a Spirited Life), international speaker, and teacher of the Tools for Mastering Alchemy. This work is in co-creation with Archangels, Ascended Masters and Teachers of Light.. Free DVD and Free Tele-Classes available. Jim is presenting Free in-person classes and the weekend seminar, Creating the Personal Power Field across North America.


Mind Body Soul Event, Vera, Almeria

Today was the first MIND BODY SOUL event at Valle del Este Golf Hotel, Vera, Almeria. Spain. It brought many healers, therapists and spiritual people together and there were good energies throughout the stands, talks and activities: tai chi, yoga and pilates.

Three people took advantage of my 20 minute reiki or massage which paid for the stand. The two who received Reiki did so for the first time, although one had seen Reiki given to her horse.

And I have arranged a massage exchange for next Tuesday, GREAT!

A follow up event is scheduled for 31 October 2010.

Wednesday, 21 April 2010

Volcanoes and Earthquakes – The Ascension of the Earth

The increase in tectonic activity is a sign of the Earth cleansing itself of blockages. At the same time it is a wake up call for humanity to raise consciousness...
Volcanoes and Earthquakes – The Ascension of the Earth

The increase in tectonic activity is a sign of the Earth cleansing itself of blockages. At the same time it is a wake up call for humanity to raise consciousness through developing compassion and love, as well as restoring its connection to nature.

The Earth is now entering a very intense transformation process. It is now obvious to see that tectonic activity has markedly increased over the last few years. However, rather than retreating from the fact in fear, it may actually be helpful to address what is happening, what it means for us, and how we can adapt to the changes. Understanding any major changes enables us to adapt more easily. If we continue with our lives, and ignore the messages from the Earth, we risk being caught unprepared for the changes.

The Earth is an energetic entity with an auric matrix that can hold a certain amount of energy. The alignment with the Galactic Centre allows energy from higher dimensions to surge through our Solar System. This process lasts ten years, and this happens every 26,000 years. The higher dimensional energy seeks to rebalance and re-energise the parts of the Earth’s matrix that have become depleted. Ultimately this process is healing and restorative for the Earth.

As this higher dimensional energy surges through the Earth’s matrix it encounters energetic blockages. Some are natural and some are caused by the activities of man. These blockages are transformed and released in the form of an earthquake or volcanic eruption. It’s simply the Earth letting off tension.

Now our consciousness directly affects the vibration of the Earth, and most of the activities of humanity are harmful to the Earth. This cleansing and purification cycle we are now in will restore human consciousness to a much more vibrant and aware place. However, during the transitions, the old consciousness must be released, and hence the teaching behind all this tectonic activity, is that we need to do our releasing too. The outer world is a mirror, and hence if more of us do our inner purification and adjust to the new consciousness, the corresponding outer reality will change and the Earth will make the transition in a smoother manner.

It is the Law of the Universe that planetary bodies, and sentient beings ascend. Understanding the process of ascension, releases fear and enables us to integrate the higher consciousness. The Earth is moving out of purely physical matter and is beginning to embody metaphysical higher vibratory realities into its matrix. This will then accelerate our consciousness. If we are open to the changes, and are able to release those things that impede our ascension without resisting, the experience can be joyful and liberating.

What we will see is an increase in earthquakes and tectonics, and yes some people may be lost in the process. But the message is not about spreading fear of an approaching doomsday, because it is not the case. Rather it’s a transitory process and a teaching. When people are lost in natural disasters, it enables the arising of compassion in the heart of humanity which then raises our consciousness. Some land masses may give way, or new ones appear. There may be some tsunamis as the Earth adjusts to the new energies. But fear not, and trust that all is happening as it needs to so the new consciousness can birth on the Earth. Whatever manifests, may we see it as a teacher.

We can draw lessons from what is happening. A relatively small volcano has stopped many flights from operating. Nature ultimately is in charge, and the invitation here is to respect its power and learn deeply to live in tune with the Earth. If we continue to live with disregard for the Earth, then we draw in more difficult experiences to bring about the healing. Everything outside of ourselves, including the turbulence of the Earth and weather systems, is an outward reflection of our own consciousness, and thus we are the cause of most of what we are seeing in outer world occurrence.

We can either choose to stay in fear and denial, or we can opt for the more conscious option of collectively beginning to transform human consciousness, acknowledging the issues we face and bringing about a harmonious integration with the new energies. If we can do this, we can remain strong during the transitions, and the severity of any future tectonic events can be mitigated. The more karma we can heal and resolve now, the less we will have to clear through the suffering of an earthquake or other natural disaster. We can transform our karmas before they bear fruit, and thus avoid the necessity of future suffering.

Our sun is also ascending into a higher vibratory reality, resulting in an increase in solar flares and explosions. However disruptive or threatening these events may seem, the sun is actually radiating out hyper-energetic vibrations from higher dimensions that are activating the blueprint for a multidimensional body. Our sun is changing to reflect our inner experience. As we find within ourselves the spiritual light and the higher planes of existence, the outer reality changes and the sun becomes a multidimensional star. Once it does so, it will emanate new vibrations that will accelerate our consciousness to the point where we will become light enough to ascend out of matter and become immortals.

On an individual level, if we surrender to the process, trust in the Universe, and open our hearts to the higher possibilities, then we enable ourselves to experience a smooth and illuminated passage through this unique time in human history.

Each of us can assist the Earth now, by taking a responsibility for raising our own consciousness, and assisting others to do the same.

Article through Free Spirit
Children of the Sun, United Kingdom

Tuesday, 20 April 2010

Magnets lead me to Therapies

My transition from career professional, corporate tax senior manager with Ernst and Young, to full time network marketing professional came through redundancy in the depression of 1989. I was spared the need to make the choice. It was made for me.

In 1992 I was introduced the Ecoflow, a Cornish company with a single product, a magnetic fuel saver / conditioner for cars. I liked the idea of saving money through fuel economy while reducing pollution into the environment at the same time.

Three years later the company introduced Bioflow, the magnetic therapy bracelets, to improve circulation and blood condition. I was not excited by this new direction of natural health and it took me six months to even try one, and only after hearing various people speaking of the pain relief and other benefits they had experienced.

Only then did I start healing people by recommending and selling these products.

Later with a colleague we started taking stands at small local natural health, and “mind, body, spirit” shows where I met many therapists and learned about the many natural therapies available. I was impressed that the natural health professionals were very complimentary about the Bioflow products and results they had seen.

Later on, at a stressful period in my life near the end of a marriage, I was invited to attend a healing course. I arrived at the stated time and was told “Welcome to the Reiki 1 course”. I took a liking to Reiki and two months later took Reiki 2.

The placing of hands on the body to focus the “universal energies” for healing not only works and relaxes the recipient, but I realised that I had been doing it to myself for years without realising it. Even now I find those hand positions come naturally when I am in bed.

I started massage at about the same time, and learned much by exchanging massage with professionals. I still like to do that today. Each masseur develops a unique style and I am always ready to incorporate new ideas into my evolving style of massage.

With the Bioflow business I helped to develop a team of over 6000 distributors in Europe and Australia. I frequently travelled to many countries to train and motivate those willing to come to the training meetings.

One morning I awoke at about 5am with clarity of vision. I visualised a business card with my name and LIFE COACH written on it. A few months later I picked up a flyer for a Life Coaching course and knew I had to do it. I thought it would be like training, but it differs greatly. The coach encourages the client through guided questioning to identify his / her own challenges and solutions.

And after a few years I went on to become a Reiki Master, able to teach others.

So there is a brief history of where I am today with therapies. I still sell the Bioflow products, but sadly the company, under different ownership, has taken away the commission structure which was my main income. No longer is there any reason to travel to Finland, Ireland, Australia etc. to train distributors to be successful, and at the same time see them develop personally. It is time for a new focus.

So here I am today, equipped to coach, train, teach, and give therapies, and of course, communicate.


Indian Head Massage, Kerala Style

Indian Head Massage, Kerala Style.

The oil is heated and applied to all of the hair. The massuese from Kerala uses seven distinct steps to give the massage.

Monday, 19 April 2010

My personal spiritual path

I was born in England and brought up under the Protestant, Church of England Christian religion. It was a daily ritual at school to attend “Chapel”, sing hymns etc. and by the time I left school I had had enough of religion.

A visit to Thailand in my 20s opened my eyes to other world religions such as Buddhism. I could not see how one religion could be right, as against another, so took an agnostic view relying on being good, honest etc. as my ethics.

There had to be more than wars based on religious beliefs. There had to be some bigger picture with these religions just being part of the whole.

Later I met a psychic clairvoyant lady who became a good friend and gave me “readings”. She told me things that she could not possibly know and I soon understood that my earlier feelings had been correct. But with her guidance (and spirit beings speaking to her) I accepted that we are spirit beings living one earthly life experience after another. Add Karma, we have to learn different things in different lives, but actually each happening in life leads to it’s own karma. Sometimes we are male, sometimes female, and probably sometimes gay also.

We not only return for more human experiences but we meet the same spirits in different people / bodies. Friends can tell me who we were in previous lives together. So when we meet someone “new” and feel we know the person already, we almost certainly do. And when a young child seems to be exceptionally wise or gifted (music, mathematics, etc.) we can consider that they reached an advance state of intelligence, wisdom or enlightenment in their past lives, while other children are truly naïve and childish by comparison.

I still struggle with the name “God”, but a name is not important, and we can call the greatness Source, Light, Management or whatever we feel comfortable with.

We are surrounded by angels and spirit guides. We are not alone. I am told by those who “see” that one of my guides is a Sai Baba look-alike. Do I have links to Eastern philosophy, the psychic asked?

More to follow.


Sunday, 18 April 2010

Seven Ways to Nurture Your Immune System

Seven Ways to Nurture Your Immune System

1. Manage your stress. Learn and practice a meditation or relaxation technique on a daily basis.

2. Eat well. Favor fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Limit your intake of red meat, processed foods, and refined carbohydrates.

3. Get to bed no later than 10:30 p.m. Awaken with the sun. Learn more about a healthy sleep routine here.

4. Exercise. Integrate flexibility, strength building, and cardiovascular activities into your daily routine.

5. Laugh. Studies have shown that one good belly laugh improves immune function for 24 hours.

6. Get touched. Massage awakens immune function and feels good.

7. Look at things that inspire you. Limit your exposure to violent television programs and movies. A Harvard study showed that watching violent scenes weakens immunity, whereas watching loving images stimulates the immune system.



It was a priviledge to make a short visit in January with a spiritual friend to Rishikesh, India, the yoga capital of the world, and a very special place for Hindus, in the foothills of the Himalaya Mountains, and with India's most sacred river Ganges (Ganga) flowing through.



The moment you step into India, in all probability, the first word you will get to hear will be Namaste! Namaste, also said as Namaskar by the natives, is a traditional Indian style of greeting or parting phrase as well as a gesture. Derived from the Sanskrit language, the literal definition/meaning of the word Namaste is "I bow to you". If you want to dig deeper to know what does Namaste mean, you can it break up into two Sanskrit words - Namas (meaning - to bow) and Te (meaning - to you). Thus, its real connotation is 'I bow to you out of respect'.

Namaste happens to be both a formal and an informal form of greeting in India and you can say this to anyone irrespective of age. Normally when you say Namaskar to anybody, you press both your palms together with all the fingers pointing upwards in front of your chest. At the same time, you also bow your head slightly, looking at the person you are saying Namaste to. Even if you simply perform the Namaste gesture with your hands without actually saying the word, it will mean the same thing.

Though saying Namaste to others in daily lives is a part of the Indian protocol, yet many believe it also has religious / spiritual connotation. According to this school of thought, when you greet Namaste, you actually seek to recognize a common divinity within the other person. Interestingly, Namaste can be said in different ways, depending crucially on the person you are saying it to. For instance, when you greet your friend or peer, the traditional style Namaste will suffice.

On the other hand, when it's a person greeting Namaste to another person of a higher status, this gesture will get intensified. To indicate genuine and deep respect for the other person, you place the hands in front of the forehead. Whereas, you have to pay reverence to God or a holy person then, this feeling can be transmitted through the Namaste gesture by holding / placing the pressed hands above the head. Some natives prostrate on the ground in this posture to show their deep respect and love to God.

The symbolism of the two palms touching each other is of great significance. It is the joining together of two extremities - the feet of the Divine, with the head of the devotee. Yet another theory associates the Namaste greeting with a particular mudra or posture in yoga. However, Namaste being a polite gesture of love and respect can be said to anybody. But traditionally, it's a Hindu gesture and people of this community greet each other this way only.

Saturday, 17 April 2010

Where to start?

Where to start? There's so much on the internet about 2012, channel information from spirit, past lives, enlightenment, meditation, energies etc. etc.

Who am I to start being an expert?

So I will draw from the wisdom of many, and that fantastic resource, the internet, and do what I think I do best, that is COMMUNICATE things that I have learned, and things I find which I hope will interest you dear reader of my young blog.

So to start here is Eckhart Tolle talking about enlightenment.

Perhaps we don't have to strive for it. It is already in us. We need to recognise it?


Hot stone massage

I was preparing publicity material for a forthcoming Mind Body & Soul event and I noticed that I had typed NOT STONES massage instead of HOT STONES.

I share this with you for a smile .


Friday, 16 April 2010

First time blog

This is my first ever blog, a blog virgin. Where will this lead?

It is a wet day in Spain. I need a massage. I can offer one in exchange.The table is set up in the massage room. So who will oblige?
