Therapies and the Spiritual Path

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Sunday, 30 May 2010

Artemis' Whisper: People come into your life for a reason

Artemis' Whisper: People come into your life for a reason



Yesterday, following the full moon in Scorpio

Came storms, lightening, thunder, heavy rain.

The cleansing, the parting, the farewell at the airport,

The last day of the old life. Going separate ways.

Today is calm. The sky is clear.

Ripples of waves lap the beach at Bahia de Mazarrón.

A perfect day to be anchored in the bay.

A perfect day to walk the beach and breathe the air.

A perfect day for the Munay-Ki workshop.

A perfect day to start my new life, solo,

To connect with spirit, to meet the guides,

To meet the ancestors in meditation.

To start to clear the body, to clear the mind,

To clear the stress, to find again the positive

To restore the health of each renewing cell

To make the new DNA, the new connection

With my soul, fellow travellers on the path,

The Universe, The Source, The Light.

By David Millner

Monday, 24 May 2010

I stand alone on the beach

I stand alone on the beach.
To the west the sun is slowly falling from the sky towards the distant hills.
To the east the moon, almost full, is high above the sea, and bright.
The small waves make music as they reach the beach.
Three small fishing boats glow in the evening light of the sun.
Swallows fly overhead seeking their food.
To the north the low sun makes shadows in the hills behind Villaricos.
To the south it shines brightly on the Sierra Cabrera.
A gentle breeze blows from the north on the side of my face.
I take deep breaths and move the ball of energy between my hands,
My eyes closed enjoying the sun in my face.
As I walk back I remember the snake skin on the road this morning,
An old life shed, to make way for the new life.
That is me, old memories of what has been.
New hopes for what will be. Moving on.
Ahead my spiritual path, new spiritual family and friends,
Enlightenment, love, peace and gratitude for what is to come,
Where ever the road may take me, and whom ever I will meet on the way.

by David Millner

I chop wood

I chop wood.
I fetch water.
I am enlightened.
I chop wood.
I fetch water.

Saturday, 22 May 2010

Moving On to our New Spiritual Families

As we progress along the spiritual path, and raise vibration and consciousness, those firmly stuck in the third dimension do not understand. So my own mother wrote this to me:
Regarding your so called “spiritual path”……it is up to you what you believe in but I can assure that Dad would never have given you any support in your new spiritual thinking. He always said it was all an absolute load of rubbish…….he would have said that you have gone round the bend…….this mystic business is beyond me. He was very left brained, as indeed I was for years.
This is why many "lightworkers" move on from their nearest and dearest and find support in their new spiritual families, who are at the same vibration. Believe me I have much support from my new spiritual family, a wide group of lovely, caring people.
Thanks to all of you. We walk the path together in love, leaving fear behind.

The LESS T.V. one watches, the better.

The LESS T.V. one watches, the better. T.V. not only pollutes the mind, it controls it. He who controls the MEDIA, Controls the MIND, enlighten yourself, read, research, study, imagine, inquire, doubt the information that devious sources have given you. Don't be their little cash cow, be a disobedient consumer, free your mind, remove your shackles. THEY LOVE IT WHEN YOU FOLLOW THEIR EVERY COMMAND.
Michael DeCoste

Wednesday, 19 May 2010

Sankalpa of Paramahansa Satyananda

Sankalpa of Paramahansa Satyananda

I am an invisible child of a thousand faces of love, That floats

over the swirling sea of life, Surrounded by the meadows of the

winged shepherds, Where divine love and beauty, The stillness of

midnight summer's warmth pervades. Life often cuts at my body

and mind And though blood may be seen passing, And a cry

might be heard, Do not be deceived that sorrow could dwell

within my being Or suffering within my soul. There will never be

a storm That can wash the path from my feet, The direction from

my heart, The light from my eyes, Or the purpose from this

life. I know that I am untouchable to the forces As long as I

have a direction, an aim, a goal: To serve, to love, and to

give. Strength lies in the magnification of the secret qualities Of

my own personality, my own character And though I am only a

messenger, I am me. Let me decorate many hearts And paint a

thousand faces with colours of inspiration And soft, silent sounds

of value. Let me be like a child, Run barefoot through the

forest Of laughing and crying people, Giving flowers of

imagination and wonder, That God gives free. Shall I fall on

bended knees, And wait for someone to bless me With happiness

and a life of golden dreams? No, I shall run into the desert of life

with my arms open, Sometimes falling, sometimes

stumbling, But always picking myself up, A thousand times if

necessary, Sometimes happy. Often life will burn me, Often life

will caress me tenderly And many of my days will be

haunted With complications and obstacles, And there will be

moments so beautiful That my soul will weep in ecstasy. I shall

be a witness, But never shall I run Or turn from life, from

me. Never shall I forsake myself Or the timeless lessons I have

taught myself, Nor shall I let the value Of divine inspiration and

being be lost. My rainbow-covered bubble will carry me Further

than beyond the horizon's settings, Forever to serve, to love, and

to live As a sannyasin (monk, renunciate). Swami Satyananda Saraswati

Sunday, 16 May 2010

Where are the Sun and Moon?

Where will the sun be? Where will the moon be?

How observant are you in nature, of things around you?

If you are unsure of where you are when driving the car does the sun help?

The sun, masculine, yang, rises in the East.

I live on an East coast so the sun always rises over the sea, and sets behind the mountains to the West.

The Moon, feminine, yin, is at different places in the sky from day to day.

At full moon as the sun sets in the West the moon will be in the East as the sun shines on the full visible side. So for me full moon is always shining across the sea, truly magic.

At new moon, before it is fully dark you may see the outline to the West. Next evening the full dark outline is still visible but you can see that small crescent as the sun is blocked from the major part of the moon. Sun and moon are both in the West at sunset.

So you need to drive north at midday and the sun is in your face? Turn round and go the other way – unless you are in the Southern Hemisphere!

Friday, 14 May 2010

Descripción de como se aman dos Seres de Luz en sus cuerpos fisicos

Descripción de como se aman dos Seres de Luz en sus cuerpos fisicos.

Hay fever and allergies

The continuing strong winds are blowing pollen and dust, yes, it is the "hay fever" season. Not much hay here though, but many things that irritate the nasal passages and bring on the runny nose and sneezing, and at times sore eyes too. I also suffer from orange blossom and mimosa earlier in the year.
So apart from staying inside with the windows closed, or going to sea, what can be done.
Try using the local honey as it can build some resistance (better to start before the probem comes of course) and put vaseline around the nostrils. It will catch much of the pollen and stop it entering the nostrils.
Traffic pollution is not a problem here on our quiet coast, but in towns and cities try to avoid the polluting emissions from traffic if possible.
A swim also helps to clear the systems.

Monday, 10 May 2010

After the iniciations of Saturday I can report things going bang in the night.

I have had a busy few days of spiritual activity.

Last night I woke at about 3.30 and thought that as a communicator I should start a talk / workshop 2012 - "what to expect"

A few minutes later I was dozing off and suddenly the door opened. I felt a cold shiver through my body and after shutting it asked who is there.

A few minutes later, lying on my back with hands on 2nd and 3rd chakras, I felt a cold chill come down my head, neck, torso and into my legs which vibrated, especially knees while the legs felt almost numb.

Again I asked who there, and was it snake, jaguar, humingbird, eagle. I heard no reply. (I had a shamanic attunement on Saturday)

Perhaps my guide or spirit was confirming validity of the communication workshop and a new source of income?


Hi David, this is a great time of re-attunement of our vibrations and frequencies. We are no longer able to stay in that which has been so familiar to us.
I think that from the attunement you had on Saturday you were being reprogrammed and opened ready to receive the new frequencies. We think ok we are ready and we are working with the energy and then they open new doors for us.
It sounds to me that the power animals were part of that new frequency for you. You just need to tune into their energies to find out who is working with you now, maybe one or maybe more. You will have what you need right now.
Maybe during meditation tomorrow you will receive a little more information.
Look forward to seeing you. Bye for now.


Sunday, 9 May 2010


Yesterday I spent with a shaman doing a Munay Ki workshop and initiation into three of the nine rites (all done in Spanish). Snake, jaguar, humingbird and ancestors, eagle and condor etc. working in my first four chakras.

Tuesday, 4 May 2010

Embrace the New

It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new. But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful. There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is power.
Alan Cohen

Monday, 3 May 2010



Here in the nature, in the heart of the valley

Surrounded by mountains, but close to the sea

Silence? No. I am surrounded by an orchestra.

Hundreds of small wings, vibrating, buzzing

Each at their own frequency and sound.

Above the sounds of the orchestra

I hear the songs of the birds.

Silence? No. Only to those who don’t stop to listen.