Therapies and the Spiritual Path

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Monday, 28 June 2010



We are in a constant process and must TAKE RESPONSIBITY for our own process. When we do so the Universe and Guides will help. Just ask for what you need, and remain connected to the process, the process of growth and change.

Patience is needed. You can’t pull the top of a plant up and expect it to grow a few centimetres just because you want it to. It will grow at it’s own pace. You can only give it the ideal conditions for it to make it’s own growth. We are the same. Relax and let go (into the web of consciousness).

We cannot control knowledge and make it our own. It is for everyone. Knowledge is WISDOM. The internet has freed up much knowledge for all, a purposeful movement, a FLOW. Everything needs to flow.

Be in constant awareness of where you put your life. Giving energy to the life you want will work in alignment with who you are and your own process > “I align with the process of the universe, the network of consciousness, and with every other expanding life and consciousness, through compassion”.

Energy produces UNITY, a unity process of individuals expanding into their groups, communities of common purpose.

If something is not life affirming, let it go. In alignment, automatically all that is not needed is given up – ideals, possessions, self image, relationships. You will receive clear indications of what you need, when you are ready to use it properly, given as a divine gift of wisdom.

To make progress in our process, develop an ever growing openness of heart and mind, and an ever changing dynamic as to who you need to be / become.

One path is through Shamanic practice. Dream the world of your becoming, the expansion of the seed you were given, unique to each individual. Our life path is a going home to our potential, and to the power of the gift, the seed. Create the right environment for it to grow. It is your responsibility. Through this fail or succeed in the adventure of life, keep the seed safe, protect it from your own foolishness, and from the destructive powers of others, from people and situations.

Live a life of continuous discovery and expansion. It is the only way to be happy and at peace with yourself, away from energy draining interior conflicts. Live a gentle acceptance of what is and anchor in the dynamic of the present moment.

Some Tools for Shamanic Practices


Perhaps the most important tool is to slow down. For a shamanic journey you need to know exactly what you want to achieve, and to have a sharp focus, or there will be misalignment with your higher consciousness.

A wild animal is completely aligned with it’s needs, through instinct and the solar plexus chakra. People confuse what they want, with what they need. Asking for what you want out of alignment with what you need will fail. It is easy to (want to) eat more than you need at a buffet or restaurant. The want and need are misaligned.

Then there are those who know what they need but will do the opposite through lack of will power. For a shamanic journey we need to put the desire to achieve what we need.

Think of a SEED. It has the potential to grow. All the needs of the seed are in the shell. From the moment of conception of the seed it has what it needs. Reconnect with the seed of who you are.

You need to want / desire it.
Practice Meditation
Take Shamanic journeys (with music, drumming, rattles, dance etc.)
Use Reflected experience

For example eating: the body needs food but each body can accept or reject certain foods and quantities, like nuts, sesame, shellfish etc. We learn what our own body needs from “reflected experience”. If something makes you ill or sick, reflect on it, and avoid it in future. No “ diet expect” knows your body like you do.

Relationships too are trial and error, and they change continuously, reflecting experience and growth, or lack of it. The needs of each individual change. Each connection with energies from “outside” the relationship brings a new fusion of energies, some powerful enough to blow a relationship apart. Unchanging energies are stagnation. Changing energies are growth.



Like a drop of water falling onto a still pond and sending out the ripple waves, we create movement of waves, waves of energy, by our thoughts, actions and vibrations.

This energy is the basis of transformation of oneself, and of the community we choose to be part of, and is more than just advancing knowledge.

  1. Flowing, like WATER female energy, capable of finding any gap to flow into.
  2. Masculine dynamic of power, strength, roughness, incremental power, like FIRE.
  3. The masculine and feminine meet joining energies > CHAOS.
  4. The LULL, the lyrical movement, after climax of the chaos.
  5. Deep stillness, a new settling – the energies have changed if the cycle completed, the separate male and female energies have become different, a result of the fusion and subsequent return to two entities.

This is the art of living, the science of life, how we function, from a human orgasm, to a storm developing and moving past, and many other scenarios. When the five movements are complete we have learned something, a transformation. If the cycle does not finish there is no growth, no change. The full cycle can bring awareness of deep issues which surface. Remember we all have a masculine side, and a feminine side. We live in a time of developing the feminine energies.

Saturday, 26 June 2010

What we think, we manifest

What we think, what is in our mind and thoughts will manifest.


Say, “I am poor”, that is what you get, the feeling and reality of being poor.


Start the day by stating out loud you gratitude for what you have. Make a list. These are often missed from people’s list. Health, life, food, shelter, sight, friends, love, beautiful location, warm clothes, etc. If you are reading this you are probably in the top 20% of people in the world for what you possess in the physical sense. The other 80% have much less, but some are happier than you, because they see life differently, and they know gratitude for what they have. They enjoy the most simple things which we take for granted or fail even to recognise.


Trust in the Universe. Once you really trust in the Universe, and ask the Universe to provide your needs (not just your wants), then you will receive. Doubt and you won't receive.


This is not a one way stream.


Give to the Universe also, a smile to someone, a compliment, a helping hand, share and help, give some service without expectation in return. Spread LOVE and LIGHT to all corners.


Ask for what you really need to make this “earth experience” fun for you. Fun is one of the reasons we are here. Ask for abundance for you to have and to be able to share with others, don’t just ask for the money to pay the rent, or that is all you will get, and you will still be unhappy. Ask for abundance enough for all your needs, and to share with others too.


“I am grateful for what I have. I love life. I live love.”

Monday, 21 June 2010

Love is my gift to the world.((( ❤ ))) I fill myself with love, and I send that love out into the world. How others treat me is their path; how I react is mine.

Meditate today, the Summer Solstice, for Mother Gaia (Earth), for the protective matrix, and the open portals for expanding consciousness.

Sunday, 13 June 2010



Like extreme sport, train physically and psychcologically.

Be PASSIONATE about the JOURNEY or fail.

Have no illusions. It takes hard work and needs cunning and focus. See from all perspectives, be aware of personal limits, be humble and accept that you cannot do everything. The strength is to be aware of who and what you are.

Have INTENTION to follow the path in a LOVING and PASSIONATE way,



SERVICE to others is a fundamental part of the process,

Allow other paths to cross yours. Share you life with other people and your life becomes real.

CLEAN your self identity every day. Say F**k It to the self image and start afresh. Weed out any self pity, anxiety and fear. Fear and anxiety are linked to the person you THINK you are. Let the real you emerge into the world each day as a guiding light, an example to others.

Never get stuck in a comfortable place. Call it comfort zone or STAGNATION. Either way to settle kills the spiritual life.










Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Follow YOUR heart, YOUR guidance...feel what resonates for YOU, and go
with that no matter what anyone else says. Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ

Art by Lucy Lovejoy

Wednesday, 9 June 2010


Sun I salute you.

The Way to start each morning.

Tuesday, 8 June 2010



The Source /God created sexuality, and it has been subdued by most religions with rules. The exception is the tantra where it was kept sacred. Sexuality is the creative force, but it is much more than procreation. The old paradigm is that there should be one all encompassing relationship.

The move is towards all that matters, LOVE, UNIVERSAL LOVE and COMPASSION. We are used to relationships where the parties are together because they need something. In future consider not what can be got out from a relationship, but “What can I give to this “FREE and EMPTY SPACE”? – Give and receive.

Group consciousness can express unconditional love in different ways, groups of scientists, groups of artists, groups of spiritual people expressing love, compassion and sexuality in their own ways. These groups will form.

Now is the time to say goodbye to old structures, and relationships hindering the spiritual path, whether family or friends.

There is a migration, a coming home, to group consciousness, to groups to which the members relate. Think of hobbies – the way I express myself creatively, therefore which soul group to join.

This is a transitional period. It will be difficult for two to four years as such moves leave chaos behind them

Sexuality is the personal expression of my group, expressing unconditional love in the group, an expression of my spiritual path. Sexuality will have to be creative to give the energy to move forward. The motor of the spirituality is sexuality, to express who I am, my spiritual path.

The driving force of my life will be expressed in infinite ways, body to body we know, but other ways at higher vibration.

The move is towards female consciousness, the creative, wild, chaotic part of the female, powered by the female dynamic. Men and women all need to develop the female side.

Sexuality equals spiritual development. It always has but only tantra kept the spirit when religions suppressed it. The female energy is flexibility, fluidity, SEEKING OUT intense energy. I go out and search my dynamic force to experience oneness (not separatedness), to feel whole, fulfilled, in touch with who I am, seeking spiritual partners, of the same vibration, for my own personal development.

First there is chaos, but enjoy the ride, and cut the cords. Sexuality was to make babies, now it is mostly different in an over populated world. We can touch all levels of consciousness, everyday consciousness, sub consciousness and the collective unconsciousness (the akashic records of past lives). All depends on the perspective. Negative people (the anti-life dynamic) give negative energies and thoughts which will be dangerous to pick up and magnify.

Don’t indulge in low vibration thoughts for such thought patterns from the collective unconscious are heading towards self destruct.

Instead tune in to dynamics which we desire. We are empowered to choose the life we want, ultimately to connect with the Source / God. Unclutter the thoughts, manifest the thoughts, create the chosen life (not be lucky to achieve it).

I take responsibility for my life. I don’t blame others. I don’t blame the structures and situations. Many people will destroy themselves by blaming others and their lot.

What is written now will be different from what will be written in a couple of years time. Things are moving fast. We will find new ways to express sexuality, at a higher vibration. Soon it will be possible to have transparent relationships as we group into tribes of mutual interest and understanding. Members of a tribe will act in accordance with the psyche and rules of that tribe. There will be collective spiritual growth within the tribe and individually for its members. Actions won’t be right, or wrong, and there won’t be guilt. All will play to the same rules. There will be multiple spiritual and therefore sexual relationships within the tribe to achieve the highest vibration, the highest expanding consciousness.

Unconditional love will be expressed in service to others, especially in being positive and guiding those not yet awakened but open to awakening.

Even in “death” consciousness finds its own groups, souls of similar interest come together. But it is easier to transform to spirituality in the body, than once in spirit. Spirit relies on help from the living, without which they can’t function to support and help the living.

Service is like saying I can change people, and make a difference. The more you give, the more you receive. Preachers and gurus have had their time. Everyone is now the teacher. Sexuality is no longer separate from spirituality, it is becoming the core of the being, generating more energy to move forward, to awaken, to expand the consciousness.


There are two choices for those with rising consciousness.

Stay safe and unhappy in a suffocating system, the familiar, the fear, the comfort zone, surrounded by negative energies, and people stuck in their ways, wanting to move on but not doing that, OR

Move into the expanding consciousness WITHOUT THE BRAKES.

Don’t resist. Don’t stay in the middle, with one foot in each camp or you will suffer the CHAOS and the pain.

Guilt keeps us holding onto the old structures, even though all consciousness is expanding anyway.

We are moving away from the “family”. See how many people live alone. We no longer relate to many blood relatives. Blood is all we have in common.

We are moving towards a collective consciousness, a group consciousness.

A tribal system is returning, a support group, where people of common interests and beliefs come together and support each other.

FLOW (as in female energy) without resistance. Just do what you want to do without hurting people.

Confusion will occur, especially with those who are not in expanding consciousness. They won’t understand so don’t share with them at present.

Relationships will become more loose. The priority is the spiritual path and expanding consciousness.

Blood relationships will disintegrate, more than they already do. Expect to be seen as the black sheep of the family. In time they may say “why is the black sheep of the family flourishing?” and may follow by example.

Have no expectation and suffer no disappointment. The only expectation is that any relationship should help with the spiritual path of each partner in some way or other.

These new spiritual relationships can be sexual or non-sexual. The relationship will be what people need for their own spiritual expansion.

Synchronisticly the Universe will put in my path people who will advance one, or two or more aspects of my spirituality. Be discreet about these relationships. Others will not understand yet.

The move is towards all that matters, LOVE, UNIVERSAL LOVE and COMPASSION. We are used to relationships where the parties are together because they need something. In future consider not what can be got out from a relationship, but “What can I give to this “FREE and EMPTY SPACE”? – Give and receive.

Group consciousness can express unconditional love in different ways, groups of scientists, groups of artists, groups of spiritual people expressing love, compassion and sexuality in their own ways. These groups will form.

Now is the time to say goodbye to old structures, and relationships hindering the spiritual path, whether family or friends.

There is a migration, a coming home, to group consciousness, to groups to which the members relate. Think of hobbies – the way I express myself creatively, therefore which soul group to join.

This is a transitional period. It will be difficult for two to four years as such moves leave chaos behind them

Monday, 7 June 2010


L ~ iving
O ~ ne
V ~ ibrational
E ~ nergy


Go with the flow. Pain will come from keeping a foot in the familiar, the 3rd dimension. Take responsibility. Follow your intuition. Let go and fly. Then there will be no more pain, just pleasant surprises as you find your new tribe, your new spiritual family,the true you, not your story, but who you really are. ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥

Wednesday, 2 June 2010

Tai Chi on the beach between the sea and the lagoon.
A walk along the water's edge, then tai chi in the soft fine sand,
swallows, dragonflies, moorhens at the lagoon at sunset.