The Source /God created sexuality, and it has been subdued by most religions with rules. The exception is the tantra where it was kept sacred. Sexuality is the creative force, but it is much more than procreation. The old paradigm is that there should be one all encompassing relationship.
The move is towards all that matters, LOVE, UNIVERSAL LOVE and COMPASSION. We are used to relationships where the parties are together because they need something. In future consider not what can be got out from a relationship, but “What can I give to this “FREE and EMPTY SPACE”? – Give and receive.
Group consciousness can express unconditional love in different ways, groups of scientists, groups of artists, groups of spiritual people expressing love, compassion and sexuality in their own ways. These groups will form.
Now is the time to say goodbye to old structures, and relationships hindering the spiritual path, whether family or friends.
There is a migration, a coming home, to group consciousness, to groups to which the members relate. Think of hobbies – the way I express myself creatively, therefore which soul group to join.
This is a transitional period. It will be difficult for two to four years as such moves leave chaos behind them
Sexuality is the personal expression of my group, expressing unconditional love in the group, an expression of my spiritual path. Sexuality will have to be creative to give the energy to move forward. The motor of the spirituality is sexuality, to express who I am, my spiritual path.
The driving force of my life will be expressed in infinite ways, body to body we know, but other ways at higher vibration.
The move is towards female consciousness, the creative, wild, chaotic part of the female, powered by the female dynamic. Men and women all need to develop the female side.
Sexuality equals spiritual development. It always has but only tantra kept the spirit when religions suppressed it. The female energy is flexibility, fluidity, SEEKING OUT intense energy. I go out and search my dynamic force to experience oneness (not separatedness), to feel whole, fulfilled, in touch with who I am, seeking spiritual partners, of the same vibration, for my own personal development.
First there is chaos, but enjoy the ride, and cut the cords. Sexuality was to make babies, now it is mostly different in an over populated world. We can touch all levels of consciousness, everyday consciousness, sub consciousness and the collective unconsciousness (the akashic records of past lives). All depends on the perspective. Negative people (the anti-life dynamic) give negative energies and thoughts which will be dangerous to pick up and magnify.
Don’t indulge in low vibration thoughts for such thought patterns from the collective unconscious are heading towards self destruct.
Instead tune in to dynamics which we desire. We are empowered to choose the life we want, ultimately to connect with the Source / God. Unclutter the thoughts, manifest the thoughts, create the chosen life (not be lucky to achieve it).
I take responsibility for my life. I don’t blame others. I don’t blame the structures and situations. Many people will destroy themselves by blaming others and their lot.
What is written now will be different from what will be written in a couple of years time. Things are moving fast. We will find new ways to express sexuality, at a higher vibration. Soon it will be possible to have transparent relationships as we group into tribes of mutual interest and understanding. Members of a tribe will act in accordance with the psyche and rules of that tribe. There will be collective spiritual growth within the tribe and individually for its members. Actions won’t be right, or wrong, and there won’t be guilt. All will play to the same rules. There will be multiple spiritual and therefore sexual relationships within the tribe to achieve the highest vibration, the highest expanding consciousness.
Unconditional love will be expressed in service to others, especially in being positive and guiding those not yet awakened but open to awakening.
Even in “death” consciousness finds its own groups, souls of similar interest come together. But it is easier to transform to spirituality in the body, than once in spirit. Spirit relies on help from the living, without which they can’t function to support and help the living.
Service is like saying I can change people, and make a difference. The more you give, the more you receive. Preachers and gurus have had their time. Everyone is now the teacher. Sexuality is no longer separate from spirituality, it is becoming the core of the being, generating more energy to move forward, to awaken, to expand the consciousness.