Sunday, 31 October 2010
Unsurprisingly SEXUALITY and SPIRITUALITY part 3 motivated a number readers to respond to me.
“Great article, David. Lots of truth here.”
"Yes David! Rockin' article, WOW! I had no idea how like minded we are."
"As a therapist myself, I have found this definitely to be the case. This is NOT an excuse to be promiscuous however. It is a way of discovering the true self within and balancing the three main spheres of our being; mental/emotional, spiritual, and physical."
“I mean...sometimes....many times....people can find the spiritual way as a ...way out. You can do it of course, but in a very evoluted way and how is the percentage of those living the experience like that (evoluted I nowadays world)? The line which separates healthy" holy" sex from simple fucks is very thin.....and too difficult sometimes to be excused /dismissed as a spiritual way to grow. There should always be a part of decency and morality in it.”
I found an excellent definition of SACRED SEXUALITY, the path of Tantra, on the web:
An exploration of the Human condition
Leads to self discovery
Verifiable through observation and experience
Where integration of body, mind & spirit takes place
Healing on subtle levels can transpire through the cultivation of Prana or Chi
Becomes a path of bliss, affirmation & joy
Awaken/reawaken the sense of your completed, loving, sensual self and share that Divine self with another.
There should of course be decency and morality in it. Is it not more decent and moral to be open about relationships, than the norm of deceit and secrecy? Better to be wishing your partner to enjoy what he or she needs with love and acceptance. If only we can all live in the 5D ways of universal love and consciousness, and without 3D jealousies, anger, and hatred etc.
When that happens the world WILL BE a better place.
I was also asked to be “Agony Aunt”: Good morning and thank you for posting about having a relationship outside your core one.... I didn't know that I would be that other person. Neither one of was married and he met someone and made her his core person, but has kept me as a mistress... I'm just now after 8 months dealing with it and am very sad... He hasn't been honest with either one of us and I'm not sure what to do? She doesn't know anything and that's what is bothering me too? Is it ok for me to ask you what I should do?
This is different, and very 3D. The writer is spiritual and has the unrealistic expectations that the boy friend and new core partner will be also. I advised her to consider that she is being used, and she may prefer to let go of the “security” or comfort zone of the relationship, and to move on to be open to meet a new partner who is also on a spiritual path. Mixed spiritual level relationships can work, each accepting and supporting the other and the differences, or can be a disaster, due to the culturally different ideals.
All of the comments received are helpful and we should consider the theme of part 3 of the blog in the stated context of people coming together for the purpose of each growing spiritually from the experience. Intention is very relevant. If two people come together with the intention of only a sexual relationship, that is outside of the concept under discussion.
Many people like to fit into some model, which they understand and can follow. Marriage is such a model. The new model is not fully shaped. The model of a tribe or community will help some. Here groups of people will bond together to further some common interest(s). Others will relate to the concept of Polyamory, where the two people in a core couple will openly have one or two deep spiritual meaningful relationships of a long term nature running simultaneously with the core couple relationship. More about that model in a future blog.
Of course, the two person model is just fine too, and will remain the majority option to living alone, for some years to come.
Copyright David Millner
October 2010
Saturday, 30 October 2010
Do you make a difference to others?
Do you bring LIGHT, joy and hope to others?
Do you bring consciousness and awareness to others?
You probably do or you would not be reading my Blog.
I posted a really old video to the HOUSE OF LIGHT INTERNATIONAL SPIRITUAL and YOGA COMMUNITY. It inspired Richard in Honolulu, Hawaii to send me a comment:
"This video encapsulates exactly why I was drawn to follow your posts here on Facebook. I help people, and am loved, and yet know deep within myself that I can do so much more than what I accomplish."
I bet many of you feel just the same, almost inadequate for the tasks ahead. Remember though that many drops of water can make a hole in solid rock. Every drop we all make, makes a difference.
"Thanks Richard. I can do anything, but I can't do everything. You too. What you do makes a big difference. Attract others to you to achieve EVEN MORE by many individual efforts."
And thanks for inspiring me, first thing on a Sunday morning, to write this blog to share the message with others.
Don't forget to see the video for yourself, and share the link.
Aloha Richard, Aloha blog readers.
Aloha in the Hawaiian language means affection, love, peace, compassion and mercy. Since the middle of the 19th century, it also has come to be used as an English greeting to say [goodbye] and hello. Currently, it is mostly used in the sense of hello; however, it is used as the above.
It is also the state nickname of Hawaii, the "Aloha State".
House of Light,
make a difference,
new spiritual families,
Petition against EU ban on alternative medicine
Time and time again it is shown that modern science solutions are not the only ones which work.
Natural solutions work too.
We have a right of choice.
Natural is better than GM
Natural is better than drugs with toxic side effects.
We must not be ruled by giant corporations where profit and greed attempt to obliterate competition and natural choices.
When we first heard about Codex I am sure a lot of people thought it just too unbelievable to be true, but it is really happening, The EU is going to ban natural remedies and supplements.Please sign this petition and send on to family and friends.
The EU has passed a directive that comes into full-force in April 2011: that all herbal and mineral supplements are to be banned, all teaching of alternative healing methods will be banned, and homeopathic colleges dissolved.....etc. As of this summer it is now forbidden to sell books about using plants and minerals.
If you live in Europe or know people/ family in Europe, please help circulate this email, 35 million signatures are needed-NOW!!
Natural solutions work too.
We have a right of choice.
Natural is better than GM
Natural is better than drugs with toxic side effects.
We must not be ruled by giant corporations where profit and greed attempt to obliterate competition and natural choices.
When we first heard about Codex I am sure a lot of people thought it just too unbelievable to be true, but it is really happening, The EU is going to ban natural remedies and supplements.Please sign this petition and send on to family and friends.
The EU has passed a directive that comes into full-force in April 2011: that all herbal and mineral supplements are to be banned, all teaching of alternative healing methods will be banned, and homeopathic colleges dissolved.....etc. As of this summer it is now forbidden to sell books about using plants and minerals.
If you live in Europe or know people/ family in Europe, please help circulate this email, 35 million signatures are needed-NOW!!
Thursday, 28 October 2010
Wednesday, 27 October 2010
Since writing the first two parts on the topic of sexuality and spirituality in June, this topic remains important to many people, and I am often asked about it in my capacity of coach and therapist.
To summarise to date, there are of course those in 3rd dimension reality who manage to have a long or lifetime relationship with one other person, and there are those who fail to do so for various reasons. The main reasons are that expectations are different and they do not communicate their true feelings with each other, and eventually separate for their personal sanity and freedom, or that one cannot accept the need or desire of the other to have relationships outside the marriage of a sexual or non-sexual nature to fulfil something unavailable in the relationship. Essentially they are together though dependence of each other rather than as two independent spirits who do not depend, but enjoy their non dependence as a balanced couple.
The reality is also that 60% or more will have a secret relationship outside the marriage / partnership, not telling the other, but satisfying what they need and cannot get from the core relationship. Very few relationships satisfy all the needs of both partners.
The result is a growing number of people living alone in preference to living an unacceptable compromise.
There are two choices for those with the rising consciousness of 5th Dimension thinking of universal LOVE and compassion, which is beyond anger, jealousy and fear. It is natural and possible to love more than one person, but for many to admit that is a step to the divorce court.
Stay safe and unhappy in a suffocating system, the familiar, the fear, the comfort zone, surrounded by negative energies, and people stuck in their ways, wanting to move on but not doing that, OR
Move into the expanding consciousness WITHOUT THE BRAKES.
Many state that occasional relationships satisfy the body but not the soul. The one-night stand has lost it’s appeal. It is good at the time but not afterwards.
So what is the solution for spiritual souls having natural desires?
Have no expectation and suffer no disappointment. The only expectation is that any relationship should help with the spiritual path of each partner in some way or other.
These new spiritual relationships can be sexual or non-sexual. The relationship will be what people need for their own spiritual expansion.
Synchronistically the Universe will put in my path people who will advance one, or two or more aspects of my spirituality.
Occasionally one meets another and experiences instant chemistry. I believe that this can now be explained as the meeting of two spirits who already had a deep past life (or lives) connection. The 5D couple will continue from where they left off (in spirit) and it is the most amazing deep connection. You will know if you have experienced it. Chemistry is still a good description though.
It is a coming together again to exercise some karma, to learn, or have the opportunity to learn, some lesson. Where there is a spiritual connection, and a sexual attraction, the union can be made in a sacred way advancing the spirituality of both, that is to say like an act of worship acknowledging the Source or Divine, that we are a small part of something great.
I go out and search my dynamic force to experience oneness (not separatedness), to feel whole, fulfilled, in touch with who I am, seeking spiritual partners, of the same vibration, for my own personal development.
With many people still vibrating at 3rd dimension level it is not yet the time for everyone to be open and honest about these spiritual relationships, which are beyond and above state or church based recognition. But soon we will be able to be open and honest about the relationships we need and have. It is a big change from the established pattern of secret infidelities practiced for centuries while at face value those involved were often pillars of the Church and the Community.
Since Facebook many things are public knowledge. Society is moving towards openness and transparency in the same way that our personal relationships will have to move. It can only be for the good.
Copyright David Millner
October 2010
Tuesday, 26 October 2010
How often do people try to be someone else? They put on an act, a front, a show. It means one thing – that they are not satisfied or content with who they really are.
Behind that façade lie insecurities, they are inadequate, inferior, will be rejected. Often the act will include excessive boasting about material possessions or the places they travelled to, even inaccurate or misleading descriptions of career and jobs. And about sexual “conquests”, because that may be how they see relationships.
Worse still, there are many people who are impressed by the false images. Just look at the mass of high circulation magazines about people who live false lives – the so called stars and starlets, the “in crowd”, followed by paparazzi, and with every secret of life on public display for money or prestige.
They all carry high expectations, and few will be happy beyond fleeting moments. Expectations lead to disappointments. Money does not make millionaires happy. It does make life easier for those struggling without it of course.
The same traits are seen throughout all stratas of our materialistic society and not confined to the “rich and famous”.
To be false is to carry a burden, a secret guilt, trying to remember at all times the false character so as not to be caught out. Trying to be someone else just reinforces the belief that you are not good enough. It drains energy and serves little purpose.
You will live in dread of being exposed, and being found out as the hypocrite, and fall hard from favour.
We do not succeed in finding happiness as someone else. We are all unique and that uniqueness is what makes us special. Visualise the perfect scenario –“I am happy with who I am, I am content with being who I am, I am grateful for my uniqueness. I am proud to be me. I love myself – for only then call you truly love others”
Real people respect others for being themselves, whether they like them or not. Do not respect false people. They can be so obviously false, that you could laugh at them.
To be real, start by identifying (and write down) your core beliefs and truths, and also your vulnerabilities. Find out who you really are and what you believe in.
Can you be yourself in every situation, with your boss, your partner, your mother-in-law, your best friends? How far do you compromise your true beliefs to “fit in”?
What is the motivation and purpose in every thing you do? Is it for your higher good or to help others? If not, reconsider it.
Spend time alone each day, get into the habit of regular meditation, and get to know the real you. You never know, you could have a pleasant surprise. You will become natural. Others will like and respect that, or move away from you. That does not matter. In turn you will like and respect those who are themselves being themselves.
Remember that while you cannot choose your blood relatives, you can choose your friends, so mix with positive, true to themselves people, and be one yourself.
Have an open mind, admit your errors, go with the flow of things and feel your self- esteem growing. Dress well and walk tall with confidence as you show off the real unique person that you are.
Copyright David Millner
October 2010
How often do people try to be someone else? They put on an act, a front, a show. It means one thing – that they are not satisfied or content with who they really are.
Behind that façade lie insecurities, they are inadequate, inferior, will be rejected. Often the act will include excessive boasting about material possessions or the places they travelled to, even inaccurate or misleading descriptions of career and jobs. And about sexual “conquests”, because that may be how they see relationships.
Worse still, there are many people who are impressed by the false images. Just look at the mass of high circulation magazines about people who live false lives – the so called stars and starlets, the “in crowd”, followed by paparazzi, and with every secret of life on public display for money or prestige.
They all carry high expectations, and few will be happy beyond fleeting moments. Expectations lead to disappointments. Money does not make millionaires happy. It does make life easier for those struggling without it of course.
The same traits are seen throughout all stratas of our materialistic society and not confined to the “rich and famous”.
To be false is to carry a burden, a secret guilt, trying to remember at all times the false character so as not to be caught out. Trying to be someone else just reinforces the belief that you are not good enough. It drains energy and serves little purpose.
You will live in dread of being exposed, and being found out as the hypocrite, and fall hard from favour.
We do not succeed in finding happiness as someone else. We are all unique and that uniqueness is what makes us special. Visualise the perfect scenario –“I am happy with who I am, I am content with being who I am, I am grateful for my uniqueness. I am proud to be me. I love myself – for only then call you truly love others”
Real people respect others for being themselves, whether they like them or not. Do not respect false people. They can be so obviously false, that you could laugh at them.
To be real, start by identifying (and write down) your core beliefs and truths, and also your vulnerabilities. Find out who you really are and what you believe in.
Can you be yourself in every situation, with your boss, your partner, your mother-in-law, your best friends? How far do you compromise your true beliefs to “fit in”?
What is the motivation and purpose in every thing you do? Is it for your higher good or to help others? If not, reconsider it.
Spend time alone each day, get into the habit of regular meditation, and get to know the real you. You never know, you could have a pleasant surprise. You will become natural. Others will like and respect that, or move away from you. That does not matter. In turn you will like and respect those who are themselves being themselves.
Remember that while you cannot choose your blood relatives, you can choose your friends, so mix with positive, true to themselves people, and be one yourself.
Have an open mind, admit your errors, go with the flow of things and feel your self- esteem growing. Dress well and walk tall with confidence as you show off the real unique person that you are.
Copyright David Millner
October 2010
Wednesday, 20 October 2010
The spiral is the most prehistoric and ancient symbol found in all indigenous cultures, as important as the sun. How did tribes scattered thinly and far apart around the globe have the same symbol? Where did they see it?
For the Romans and Greeks it was the symbol of the gods and oneness of the soul.
To the Celts and Norse it meant all the universe, eternity and goddess.
In India it represented The One and female sexuality, and contains the Fibonacci number sequence.
For the Aborigine it represented all things that are glorious.
In Islam the symbol is used to show Holy things which may not be written.
African cultures see it as the womb, great mother and goddess.
For the Hopi it represents the sacred ones and all living things.
In the Orient it represents the beginning of all life, where the gods came from.
To Native Americans it represents all energy, all consciousness and Great Spirit.
Mayans saw it as the seasons, solstice and the circle of life.
Immortality was the meaning for the Polynesians.
The Native American version of “energy” sits neatly with the fact that spirals of energy emerge from the chakras of the body and are visible to some. My personal experience includes attending a Munay Ki workshop. I lay on the massage table as the facilitator worked to clean my chakra energies. One of the workshop participants saw a spiral of black leaving one of my chakras, as did the facilitator.
The same applies to earth energies, at “chakra” points of the Earth. Dowsers have shown the energy patterns of Ley lines and at the “nodes” where the spirals can be “observed”. Go to Sedona, Arizona and visit the VORTEX, actually many vortices of energy. They are everywhere.
Bath water leaves the bath in a spiral, caused by the rotation of the Earth. It is true that in the Northern hemisphere is flows in a clockwise motion, while it can be see to be anti-clockwise in the Southern hemisphere.
There have been many recent sightings of spirals of light in the sky. One is on film at, seen over Norway in 2009.
Was this what the Ancients saw? Scientists dream up their explanations, always to distract the observers from the possibility that for eons, Light beings from the Pleiades and other parts of the Universe are signalling to the occupants of Earth. These benevolent beings are far more advanced than we are, and will come one day to bring peace and light to Earth. You can agree or disagree. It is widely known that Governments and Military have much knowledge of UFOs and extra terrestrial activity and keep it silent. They fear for their status and control, should the Light Beings “invade” to make the world a better place.
Those ancient people used the sky as their books and knowledge. They all saw the same symbols. They also understood energies and balance, which skills have been almost lost today, as the brains of science try to prove and disprove things which were once known to many.
David Millner
October 2010
For the Romans and Greeks it was the symbol of the gods and oneness of the soul.
To the Celts and Norse it meant all the universe, eternity and goddess.
In India it represented The One and female sexuality, and contains the Fibonacci number sequence.
For the Aborigine it represented all things that are glorious.
In Islam the symbol is used to show Holy things which may not be written.
African cultures see it as the womb, great mother and goddess.
For the Hopi it represents the sacred ones and all living things.
In the Orient it represents the beginning of all life, where the gods came from.
To Native Americans it represents all energy, all consciousness and Great Spirit.
Mayans saw it as the seasons, solstice and the circle of life.
Immortality was the meaning for the Polynesians.
The Native American version of “energy” sits neatly with the fact that spirals of energy emerge from the chakras of the body and are visible to some. My personal experience includes attending a Munay Ki workshop. I lay on the massage table as the facilitator worked to clean my chakra energies. One of the workshop participants saw a spiral of black leaving one of my chakras, as did the facilitator.
The same applies to earth energies, at “chakra” points of the Earth. Dowsers have shown the energy patterns of Ley lines and at the “nodes” where the spirals can be “observed”. Go to Sedona, Arizona and visit the VORTEX, actually many vortices of energy. They are everywhere.
Bath water leaves the bath in a spiral, caused by the rotation of the Earth. It is true that in the Northern hemisphere is flows in a clockwise motion, while it can be see to be anti-clockwise in the Southern hemisphere.
There have been many recent sightings of spirals of light in the sky. One is on film at, seen over Norway in 2009.
Was this what the Ancients saw? Scientists dream up their explanations, always to distract the observers from the possibility that for eons, Light beings from the Pleiades and other parts of the Universe are signalling to the occupants of Earth. These benevolent beings are far more advanced than we are, and will come one day to bring peace and light to Earth. You can agree or disagree. It is widely known that Governments and Military have much knowledge of UFOs and extra terrestrial activity and keep it silent. They fear for their status and control, should the Light Beings “invade” to make the world a better place.
Those ancient people used the sky as their books and knowledge. They all saw the same symbols. They also understood energies and balance, which skills have been almost lost today, as the brains of science try to prove and disprove things which were once known to many.
David Millner
October 2010
base chakra,
Light Beings. Pleiades,
Friday, 8 October 2010
10.10.10 (2010 October 10)
10.10.10 (2010)
This is an auspicious day, and is considered to be a portal to raising awareness and consciousness.
Because of its numerology in the Gregorian calendar it is a date that will be celebrated with global events and meditations with different organizers. It may also be looked upon as a preparation for the Ninth wave and a continuation of the Conscious Convergence.
Whatever your beliefs take time out on Sunday October 10, 2010 to Meditate. Pray, ask for peace, understanding, tolerance, freedom, wisdom, awareness, compassion, abundance for all, awareness, consciousness and understanding that we are all one.
Imagine what it would feel like to visualise and then create the world we most deeply want.
Imagine what humanity would be capable of if we all could come together as one, starting with endorsing a simple Declaration of Interdependence.
10.10.10 Humanity's Date with Destiny is a worldwide invitation to begin a new era of planetary healing, global community, and co-creative partnership with all life.
Whereever you are come together with like minded people throughout the world
When we pause for a moment in silence...
When we make the Declaration of Interdependence...
When we declare ourselves the Founding Family of the New World...
When we encourage everyone we know to do the same...
We become a drop that makes countless ripples...
That Create the New World.
Together the collective consciousness of many people can change the future, as individuals, as communities, as the whole human race.
Some groups will meditate at 6h, 12h and 18h on Sunday, others at 10h. So whichever time zone you are in join in at any of these times and the combined energy of your meditation will greatly lift the vibration in a wave around the planet throughout the day.
This is an auspicious day, and is considered to be a portal to raising awareness and consciousness.
Because of its numerology in the Gregorian calendar it is a date that will be celebrated with global events and meditations with different organizers. It may also be looked upon as a preparation for the Ninth wave and a continuation of the Conscious Convergence.
Whatever your beliefs take time out on Sunday October 10, 2010 to Meditate. Pray, ask for peace, understanding, tolerance, freedom, wisdom, awareness, compassion, abundance for all, awareness, consciousness and understanding that we are all one.
Imagine what it would feel like to visualise and then create the world we most deeply want.
Imagine what humanity would be capable of if we all could come together as one, starting with endorsing a simple Declaration of Interdependence.
10.10.10 Humanity's Date with Destiny is a worldwide invitation to begin a new era of planetary healing, global community, and co-creative partnership with all life.
Whereever you are come together with like minded people throughout the world
When we pause for a moment in silence...
When we make the Declaration of Interdependence...
When we declare ourselves the Founding Family of the New World...
When we encourage everyone we know to do the same...
We become a drop that makes countless ripples...
That Create the New World.
Together the collective consciousness of many people can change the future, as individuals, as communities, as the whole human race.
Some groups will meditate at 6h, 12h and 18h on Sunday, others at 10h. So whichever time zone you are in join in at any of these times and the combined energy of your meditation will greatly lift the vibration in a wave around the planet throughout the day.
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