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Sunday, 30 December 2012

Power of Masculine & Power of Feminine

The secret of a powerful man is that he is a pillar of consciousness who is able to contain all the contradictions of life and remain centered.This begins by him accepting his power and his vulnerability together in the same moment. He accepts his animal instinct as well as his intellectual refinement. He is thus able to hold a woman who is the very embodiment of contradictions. She is Shakti, containing all the varied and liquid forms of feminine nature. Ruled by the moon, she changes with the ebb and flow of the tides. Her orgasm catapults her beyond mind, into transcendent reality. The greatest gift for the man happens when he is able to be the pure fire of awareness, Shiva, holding Shakti as she lets go into multi orgasmic splendour.

The secret of a powerful woman is that she is fully alive to her loving, devotional, emotional and psychic abilities. She is fluid like water, and is therefore able to accept change easily. Going with the flow, is the way of yin. She craves nothing so much as finding a man, or a god to whom she may abandon herself to in fullest surrender. Letting go and being possessed by the divine masculine is her deepest ecstasy. She is able to let go, because her throne is the heart, the seat of love. And every woman knows deep down, that God is love, and that love is God. Since the very essence of divinity finds its abode in her heart, she can afford to be sweet, giving and nurturing.

Now imagine for a moment what an amazing world we would be living in, if men and women lived their true opposite and yet complementary natures, with integrity. Imagine a politician who was in touch with his vulnerable inner child, while at the same time was able to remain rooted in his pillar of consciousness, nourished by deep meditation. Imagine a politician who was able to offer his beloved a night of multi orgasmic union, and was then able to give a speech to the nation on the necessity of caring for the earth as we would care for our own mother. He is both strong, and vulnerable, and this is what makes him eminently attractive. He has learned the art of loving a woman and this has ignited the desire to love and care for his country.

And imagine, how it would be, if a radiantly loving multi orgasmic woman were to work in a corporate setting, and had the power to run it her way. Her office is full of plants and flowers, she offers holistic healing to her workers, and her company has the feeling of a loving family. All her customers are encouraged to love and nurture themselves and she has a unique system of profit sharing and a clear intention to give back to the earth whatever has been borrowed. The building she works in has been designed to honour the undulating contours of nature, and is ecological and self-sustaining.

In our present time, it is unfortunate that men have forgotten their deeper potential. They tend to be either at the extreme of testosterone, going amok on a power crazed rape of the earth and her resources, or in the opposite extreme of feeling so deeply apologetic for being men that they become effeminate and cut off from their masculine resources. And women, ahh, sisters, how sad it is to see you turning your back on feminine grace and trying in vain to compete with men by acquiring masculine qualities! You will be able to help yourselves and the world much more, by opening up your true feminine glory. The Goddess is back, and this time, she seeks balance of the sexes. Like two banks of a river, we appear separate, and yet in the middle of the river of life, we meet, and experience being one in essence. How rich is the union of opposites!

I see the future as that of love, joy and celebration. I sense that in the new dawn of humanity, Tantra will find its true place, offering as it does the alchemy for the meeting of sex, love and spirit. When our animal nature is recognized as divine, and when our spirituality is fully embodied, we will then know the fullness of our potential. We will discover wholeness, and healing. We will realize God as male and female in perfect union.

Sarita {Two Banks of the River of Life} ╮❤╭

Art by Canan Berber©

Saturday, 29 December 2012

(Actually Two non-intimate relationships)

A friend opens up to encourage others in the same situation to GET A LIFE.
Names changed for anonymity.

Hi David, do you know that Paul and I separated this year?

We had been growing apart for quite a few years and I had been unhappy and unsatisfied for a very long time.

Life is so short to be unhappy so, better late than never, I grabbed life with both hands. I'm sad I’ve hurt my girls (women now) I doubt they'll ever forgive me but perhaps they will understand one day when they experience life for themselves. I can relate to so many of your Facebook posts now that I'm in the zone of feeling fulfilled… long last!

I just had to do this "for me" 

Why is life and love so complicated? Will has been in a friendship, not really a full relationship for about 18 months and has found it hard to let the lady down, although it had almost run it's course before it began. There has never been anything physical between them.

I met him by pure chance earlier in the year and am convinced it was fate that we connected ... the rest just got better and better.

I would have left Paul sooner or later as my unhappiness had become so huge I couldn't contain it, 28 years is a lifetime in itself! Will is going to make the full break after the New Year. I know how hard it is to get the timing and the words right!!

I've had three months on my own here and although I've loved my independence I know I belong with someone rather than not, he's the other half of me and I felt the spark the first time we spoke on the phone, but he wasn't ready to commit until a good while later.

I have had to wait until he is ready. I’m on a different level these days. I now know that I've never really truly loved until now.

I guess we all have high expectations, we all assume that marriage is for life, until life shows us otherwise! I truly believe Will and I have the most wonderful future together but until we start really living the dream we're still not quite there but we have promised to always do our best for each other.

I can feel the lack of intimacy, like an endless deep pain. I've lived without intimacy for what feels like forever. It really isn't living at all, and Will too in his relationship.

I’m actually surprised I have children!!

Lack of intimacy is a huge part of why I couldn't stay any longer, but we were so mismatched from day one in that area.  I'm a woman and at long last someone has noticed, although Will and I have the whole package, but oooh the physical side to me is the icing on the cake of life. 

I really feel in tune with lots of your posts; isn't it amazing how looking at the world with fresh eyes and a happy heart can make you feel so alive!!!

Someone said to me recently that it was a really brave thing to jump ship ... I replied that I'm so thrilled I did because the water's gorgeous.

I’ve had a good handful of people openly admit to me that they wish they were in my shoes because they're just as frustrated. It would have been easier to stay and put up with what my old life was like, but I feel so refreshed and alive that I'm taking charge and actually living my life for me now, but you have to have the courage to take that plunge.

We're only human with needs and desires, it's completely natural, Most people won't discuss their own private intimacy, Paul never would, not even with me, which is partly why we struggled so much, I'm a very open person and that's just who I am. But some people who can discuss intimacy will still never change the way they are.
Maybe one day Paul can find a way to open his mind and thoughts, and I hope for his sake he does, but I never managed to see inside in almost 30 years we were together, how sad really!

He said when we're old it (sex) won't happen anyway and beds are for sleeping in! I was only in my early 30's at the time, and believe me, hearing that was pretty depressing.

I really should have called it a day MUCH sooner; I married far too young as well, I was just 20, merely a child really. He was older but that should not matter. He should have been the one to show me sexuality.

Paul semi-retired five years ago and that's when it really hit me, he was at home 24/7, hardly left the house, it was such an unhealthy existence, for both of us and I found myself going out more and more, and then needing to be out more and more.

I did have a few little flings, but nothing serious, I was obviously looking for someone special on my way through life. People do change as they get older, sometimes you can grow together and sometimes you grow apart.

If one person isn't fulfilled then it really is time to call it a day with the relationship.

A marriage without intimacy is a slow death.


Thanks Patricia for sharing your story to inspire, and give hope to others.

If you need a listening ear…..

Life Coaching, Relationship Coaching, Intimacy Coaching, Sexuality Coaching:

Friday, 28 December 2012



Some people won’t fall in love because they fear they will be chained.  They block the possibilities and literally shut down part of themselves.
It is a pity that for some "love" relates to "dependence", "chains and "loss of freedom".

What is love? Love is different things to different people.
There is the family love a mother has for her child, or a brother has for a sister. That one does not normally cause confusion.

When we say we fall in love with someone, that love may be(come) the deepest love in our life, but we can at the same time love other people. Care is needed in the use of the word. A person can become very angry if he/ she feels that the partner does not only have love for her/ him.

It can break good relationships.

The perfect relationship is where two people come together, each fulfilled and whole in themselves, and they exist alongside each other, enjoying each other, but not depending on the other, or propping up the other in dependency. They are independent but are together.

That can be called unconditional love where we can love and expect nothing in return. We give freedom to that person. Unconditional love is also what can have for mankind, for nature, for animals. We can love everyone and everything this way. We can love each person in a yoga class but it does not mean that we will leave our partner or have sex with those people.

The problems arise when one person NEEDS another and they form a “needing / propping up each other” relationship. Even if they act quite independently, they speak of “having” the partner, as if he/ she is some trophy or prize possession.

Then they start to impose terms and conditions. “Don’t do this, Don’t see that person, don’t look at other women / men…….”
Using such words shows FEAR, fear of losing the person, jealousy, control….

In contrast - two  well-adjusted individuals , happy with themselves as individuals, can love the other in the opposite way, giving each other freedom to develop to their potential, freedom to be themselves, and not to be controlled. They can each observe a pretty woman or handsome man in the street, and share and discuss their true feelings “wow, great legs, great tits, great stomach” and not feel threatened.

Actually many parents will say to their children, “if you don’t do…. I will not love you”, again, by the words, creating a condition, so the child learns to be loved conditionally (if he – she does the right thing) not unconditionally, which should be the way.

We can love our partner, subject to our terms and conditions, being jealous, untrusting, controlling, like they are a possession, and then “love” for any other person is a threat. We FEAR that our partner may love another and leave us. We restrict and chain our partner with these expectations.
This is conditional love, so common, so often the reason why otherwise great relationships break up.
Often the people concerned come together in passion, and fall apart in anger jealousy and passion, or they possess, control, and chain the other, not ever realising it, and don’t allow the partner to reach their potential, or even to have special friends. Conditional love is often denying what the partner desires, and putting “me” first,

We can love our partner, unconditionally, allowing freedom for that person be become their true self. We can love others at the same time, without being a threat to the “relationship”. We accept that the partner can have some special friends for certain things the partner can’t provide, sometimes even sexual, by agreement.
Unconditional love is allowing the partner to have what they desire, and putting them first.

The only way to be in a relationship of unconditional love is to be conscious, to be honest, open and transparent, and to discuss everything. Not everyone is ready for this.

Are you? Is your partner?

Is the biggest risk staying in a dishonest, fear based relationship with secrets, invisible chains and conditions, or moving to an honest, open transparent conscious relationship with freedom?

Monday, 24 December 2012


Eva tells how she attracted her life partner after years of nothing working for her.
(Names changed for anonymity)

Dear David
Thanks for sharing your Facebook posts and giving positive energies and encouragement! I feel they are meant for me, resonating with me lately and helping me very much...
These months I lost my Dad, and encountered blind hate and violence, worse than I could imagine... but I’m good, keeping positive and meditating a lot.
True, this time is very challenging for me, but I also can feel the uplifting beautiful energies around!! I`m 100% sure that life works in circles.
I experienced God in these hard times better than ever... his helping hand and that He always listens and always knows the best timing...... and compensates us in mysterious ways! In the toughest times I could see with greatest clarity... in the deepest pain...emotional and physical...
Even how my Dad passed away I’m grateful for every minute. He woke up from coma mysteriously because I wanted to speak with him (I did distance healing as well) so he waited for me and I could introduce him my fiancee to him. He gave us his blessings and we spent few days together and God took him just after this....Also I could speak with my Dad after he died... in my deepest grief... he was with me anytime I wanted and supported me until I asked him to leave into afterlife, because he can`t stay with me.......and I learnt to let go....
Also I met with my life partner just when my Dad started to became weaker and weaker...and preparing to depart. They actually do the same work ..and I could tell you a lot of signs showing how God/Universe is helping my path... I try to focus on the positive gifts in my life and staying thankful for everything!

It may surprise you but I wasn`t even in a serious relationship for more than 10 years, and obviously like this I could not attract my life partner for a very long time... the worst was when I started to accept this, and was letting the desire go... which wasn`t the right way... when I felt almost physical pain from being lonely,
1. I reviewed my fears.... and I dug very deeply...and yes, I had protected myself from being attached to someone deeply ….so I had to delete this hidden, unconscious behaviour. No longer could I face and accept the fear, but instead I chose to focus on my desire...and pumping up that with energy!
2. Then I started meditating a lot, and asking the Universe to bring my perfect Partner, and giving the full Trust regarding this - that from above they will know who is my ideal partner!
3. I tried not to limit my specific "requirements/wish list"  
4. I just let go the details.... but strengthened the desire and will 
...and John was SO different from the picture in my mind; he is a man I would not ever have imagined for myself!!
As the filters still blocked my mind I didn`t recognise him first at all  ... but He did!! Thank God, and today this is the deepest relationship, the most real connection I could imagine and wish for... I feel like he is my twin soul. And the love increases day by day, and on deeper and deeper levels... without even the slightest passion from my side at the very beginning! 

Then I learned something..... I thought I knew myself and that "I know" ... what is the best for me. ... which is not true!! because they sent me someone from above who I would (with my "intelligent" mind) simply walk away from.... that was the biggest lesson for me! John and I are connected in heart not in mind.
Keep the trust in life, and look around always... for me it worked this way!! The "solution" is often closer than we could imagine!! big hug Eva xxxx

Life Coaching, Relationship Coaching, Intimacy Coaching – In person or by skype.

Monday, 5 November 2012


Message from the Hopi Elders

You have been telling the people that this is the Eleventh Hour.
Now you must go back and tell people that THIS is the hour.
And there are things to be considered:
Where are you living?
What are you doing?
What are your relationships?
Are you in right relation?
Where is your water?
Know your garden.
It is time to speak your truth.
Create your community.
Be good to each other.
And do not look outside yourself for the leader.
This could be a good time!
There is a river flowing now very fast.
It is so great and swift that there are those who will be afraid.
They will try to hold onto the shore.
They will feel they are being torn apart, and they will suffer greatly.
Know the river has its destination.
The elders say we must let go of the shore,
Push off into the river.
Keep our eyes open,
And our heads above the water.
See who is in there with you and celebrate.
At this time in history, we are to take nothing personally,
Least of all ourselves.
For the moment that we do, our spiritual growth and journey
Comes to a halt.
The time of the lone wolf is over. Gather yourselves!
Banish the word struggle from your attitude and vocabulary.
All that we do now must be done in a sacred manner and in celebration.
We are the One's we've been waiting for.

The Elders
Oraibi, Arizona
Hopi Nation

The Q'ero are saying it, This is the New Pachakuti, we are in it.. the sun has risen… it is two things at once.. the world turned upside down and the time to find ourselves…through the shaking of things as we know it we remember who we really are.. we come together.. we grow into beings of greater light than we have known before. this is possible and it is up to us! It is time to speak your 
truth.. it is time to open your heart and live from this place. The Illumined doorway is open now and the way is through your heart. it is time for the people of the heart, the munay tribe to gather, and lead the way.

deepest munay to you all, deep deep l'lankay and yachay.
Good Morning

Friday, 26 October 2012

How Sad - How Not even a goodnight kiss for the majority of couples

How Sad - How Not even a goodnight kiss
for the majority of couples

According to a recent study, 80 per cent of couples don't even give each other a good night kiss before turning off the lights.

Getting eight hours of shut-eye is so important to most that it overrules a simple, "I love you" and a quick peck on the cheek before bed.

Conducted by UK accommodation booking site Travelodge, the survey asked 2000 people about their sleeping habits and behaviours and found that the need for sleep trumps even the quickest of pre-sleep affection.
An overwhelming 90 per cent of those surveyed admitted they don't bother whispering "I love you" to their significant other before hitting the sack, while 46 per cent sleep with their backs to their partners to ensure they get a good night's rest.

A quarter admitted that they can't handle having their loved one even touching them during the night as it will disturb their precious sleep.

According to relationship psychologist Corrine Sweet, body language during sleep can reveal your relationship dynamics. Interestingly, she notes that sleeping back to back suggests we trust our partner deeply. 

When the initial lust in a relationship wears off and the entangled and entwined sleeping positions end, couples will fall into sleeping positions that they are most comfortable with, says Sweet.

Only one per cent of couples in the survey said they slept in what experts called the "heroic romantic movie scene" position - where the man lies on his back and the woman sleeps with her head on his chest.

"Couples fall into habitual ways of sleeping together that suits their personalities and personal preferences," Sweet noted, saying that if you notice a change in your habitual sleeping pattern together, it may be worth talking to your partner about it.

Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Sexuality the path to an abundant loving relationship

Sexuality and an abundant loving relationship can be profound and take you into other worlds, revitalize your body and remind your body of its most idealized patterns. Using sexual expression to regenerate yourself rather than degenerate yourself is the ideal you will pursue. Dealing with sexuality involves dealing with hormones, sex excites t
he very core of your cells, and the light encoded filaments become entwined with one another, in a magnet the energies all line up and face the same way. When you become sexual and do the dance that starts in your hormones, your whole body lines up in one direction, when you and another individual are lined up. You are like the north and south poles, your body turns into a magnet, when you and another individual achieve a heightened state of electromagnetic force you pull on one another and create a balance between each other, when you get really good at this you will not even have to touch each other, you can create this web of love between you, and it is through this force field that your inner bodies arise and go into other worlds.

We think sexuality is one of the most exciting gifts you have been given, and we want to guide you further along this journey. So that you can have a better time on earth, love yourself and love earth, because they are one and the same, and that means every part of your body, you need to talk about sex, make a commitment to accept every area of your body and to draw a partner to yourself who will honor every area of your body.

Know that your partner will be wanting and willing to be into this glorious part of your god/goddess force, you inherit the blue print of every person with whom you have sex, so you have not only your own stuff to deal with but theirs as well. When your body comes together with another's your chakras are stirred, and your kundalini is moved. If your kundalini is only moved into your lower 2 chakras and it is not a full body infusion, you can have hooks into the other persons auric field, and they can have hooks into yours. This is why it is important to be very selective about who your going to have sex with. Make sure if you are going to go for it that you have some kind of bond and commitment and that you plan on working things out. Because in this day of accelerated time and sped up energy you can take on everything from someone else.

~ Pleiadians on sexuality (

Friday, 28 September 2012


Here are some types of relationships. This is factual and does not imply judgement or that one type suits all. A “One night stand” is not considered here to form a relationship, nor a swingers' party. With any relationship, depth comes from building energy with the same partner(s).

Relationship with one-self, and it is important to love oneself.

FAITHFUL MONOGAMY Being with a single partner, and being faithful (not having sex with other partners). The ideal desire for many,

MONOGAMY with Secret Lover(s)
This is more common than faithful monogamy according to many surveys, even if the secret lover is a rare or one off occurrence. One or both partners will go outside for more sexual experience at some time during the relationship, or for some, regularly, even from the first year of the relationship.

OPEN RELATIONSHIP There is agreement that each partner permits the other to have sex with other people, but the partner is the primary lover. They do not discuss together who they had sex with.

As Open relationship but the partners tell each other what happens outside the main relationship.

This is where there is no primary sexual relationship, but participants have on-going sexual relationship with two or more partners.

POLYAMORY A group of sexual partners who only have sex with members of that group, in transparent trust and honesty, like an enlarged family.

copyright David Millner 29.9.2012

The purpose of a Relationship is not to have another who might complete you. but to have another with whom you might Share your Completeness.. ♥ ~ Neale Donald Walsch

Friday, 10 August 2012

2012 - What Do You Mean the 3rd Dimension Is Going Away?

2012 - What Do You Mean the 3rd Dimension Is Going Away? a message from Jim Self As 2012 approaches there is an increasing urgency to this message because we’re all, literally, running out of time to play in the third dimension. In simple terms, the habit of thinking and feeling and behaving that we know of as the third dimension is going away. Everyone is shifting into a fourth dimensional consciousness and experience, and then into a fifth dimensional consciousness and experience. However, most people on the planet are not prepared for this Shift. But it is happening nonetheless, and for those who are unaware of what’s going on it will not be an easy or comfortable experience. Yet this can be a wonderful, enjoyable time as well. With some basic information about what the Shift is, and what “dimensions” are, and with simple tools to help manage our thoughts and feelings, everyone has the ability to evolve their consciousness and move gracefully and joyfully into these higher vibrational realms. If you don’t know what dimensions are, you are not alone. Most people playing the game of life as we know it in the third dimension are playing without a “rule book” that would explain what the game really is and how one can play it successfully. This article provides these basic, missing rules. It explains what the third, fourth, and fifth dimensions are, and why they are the most important consideration of your life right now. If you can understand the structure and play of these dimensions, you can begin to move fluidly through the unprecedented changes of this Shift without fear, without effort, without the tension and anxiety that is, for the most part, the daily habit of our lives. So, first of all, let me define what dimensions are not. Dimensions are not places or locations, and they are not a linear progression - 3, 4, 5, 6 - stacked up like pancakes. And the 3rd dimension, or the 4th dimension, is not the chair you’re sitting in, or the walls that surround you, or even the Earth itself. That is form, which exists predominantly in the 3rd and 4th dimensions, and which will still be very much part of the play in the 4th dimension when the 3rd dimension is no longer an option. In general, dimensions are states of consciousness available to anyone who vibrates in resonance with the specific frequencies and opportunities available within each dimension. In a way, you could think of each dimension as a different game with a different set of rules as to what is possible and not possible for the beings that choose to play and create there. So what is the 3rd Dimension? The third dimension (3D) is a box of rigid beliefs, more or less, with a relatively inflexible set of rules and limitations. Most of us have been playing this game for lifetimes, so we tend to think it is the only game available to us. But nothing could be further from the truth. One of the rigid 3D beliefs that structure our lives – our thinking and feeling and actions - is linear time. Linear time is an optional belief and structure that let’s us “live” an experience of past and a future... and then we die. Because this belief is the default assumption of mass 3D consciousness, and events seem to validate the belief, most of us think and act as if it’s true. But now we are all waking up from the illusion of this ubiquitous belief. And as you become more conscious, you realize that time in 3D is actually a time loop. What you experience in “the past” is pretty much what you put your attention on now, and you project that reality into “the future,” and therefore you experience it over and over again. So the structure of time is quite specific (and limiting) in the 3rd dimension, but your experience of time is quite different (and empowering) as you move into higher dimensions. Everything in a 3D consciousness is also very conditional. The concept of, for example, ‘unconditional love,’ does not exist in the 3rd dimension. If you experience ‘unconditional love’ or ‘unconditional peace’ you have actually moved into a fourth dimensional (4D) consciousness. You see, in the earth experience now, we have access to both 3rd and 4th dimensional consciousness, but most of us rarely step out of the well-grooved habits of 3D thinking and feeling. The 3rd dimension also offers no possibility of choice. We don’t choose our thoughts, feelings, and actions in every moment (that’s a skill of 4D and 5D), instead we react from unconscious beliefs and training to the people and situations that pop up in our space. Duality provides another rigid structure for 3D experience. Up/down. Left/right. Should/shouldn’t. Since the fall of Atlantis 12,500 years ago, we have become very fearful as a way of life, and in that fear we have learned to narrowly define good and bad, right and wrong, etc. Unconscious judgment permeates 3D thinking. Moreover, we perceive our 3D experience predominantly with the left hemisphere of the brain, home of the rational mind, and so we use only about 5 to 10 percent of the brain’s capacity to play the 3D game. Most of us suspect the rest of our brain must do something but have no idea what it actually does and how it functions. In fact, what the rest of the brain enables us to do is function in the higher 4th and 5th dimensions, and beyond. We already have the potential, all the necessary equipment and wiring, right now, to be fully conscious in all these dimensions. But our habits of thinking and feeling, grooved over many lifetimes, dumbs= us down and limit us to 3D experience. Our left-brain, rational mind only knows what it knows, and doesn’t know what it doesn’t know, and it works tirelessly to keep us within a thin range of objective 3D thinking and possibilities. And we, for the most part, have gone along for the ride. But no longer. The increasing light energies and frequencies of the Shift are rewiring our brains to allow us access to a much wider range of information and possibility than is available in the 3rd dimension. These light energies are preparing us for 4D and 5D experience, even as they are clearing the rigid 3D “rules” from our consciousness. So what is the 4th Dimension? The “rules” of 4th dimensional consciousness provide an enhanced sense of ease, possibility, and capability than the structures of the 3rd dimension. Time in 4D, for example, is always present time. The focus is only ever this moment, what is happening right now. Our bodies already know only this present time; they can’t know ‘yesterday’ or ‘tomorrow,’ and as conscious beings in our natural alignment in the higher 4th dimension, we function absolutely in this “Now” of present time awareness and attention. When our attention point becomes present time awareness, choice becomes possible again. We can observe any and all events with a sense of detachment, merely as information to consider, and from that still, uncluttered platform we are then, and only then, free to choose our response. In the higher 4th dimension we become response-able. A concept and possibility known as paradox also becomes available in the present time of 4D consciousness. Paradox simply means that what was true just a moment ago may not be true right now. And what was false a moment ago may no longer be false. Instead of applying rigid, pre-existing definitions to any experience, we choose our preferred version and vibration in every moment. So as we move into 4D consciousness in present time, with the power of choice and response-ability, and the flexibility of paradox, the ability to alter the game to enhance our happiness and wellbeing becomes available. Interestingly, 4D consciousness will not be a long-term option after the Shift clears away the rigid structures of 3D consciousness. The 4th dimension is serving as an essential, but short-lived, stepping stone or vibrational platform from which we will all move into 5th dimensional consciousness. 5D is the target for Earth and all her inhabitants. The archangels have said the entire consciousness of Earth will be a fifth dimensional consciousness by the year 2015. But although the 5th dimension is the target, the experience of the 4th dimension is essential. We cannot enter 5D directly from 4D. All mental and emotional baggage from the 3rd dimension must be left at the door to the 4th dimension, and we can only enter the 5th dimension after we have become masterful of our thoughts and feelings in the 4th dimension. Some assembly is required. So what is the 5th Dimension? The 5th dimension operates, to a great extent, in a completely differently fashion from the 3rd and 4th dimensions. Time in 5D is instantaneous time, meaning that everything (all possibilities) occurs in the same place at the same moment. In 5D, you focus your attention and the answer or experience is given to you exactly when and where you focus. Ask and you shall receive. In 5D, you don’t have to move or go anywhere for your answers or experiences; everything comes to you easily and effortlessly based upon the attention point and vibration you choose to hold in every moment. When you are vibrating in 5D consciousness, you don’t create with form as you do in the 3rd and 4th dimensions, you create with light and light patterns and light frequencies. You apply sound and color and geometric shapes. You consciously interact with the Creator and all the Beings of Light. In this heightened consciousness, the rational mind plays a very minimal role. It returns to a small, specific focus it was intended to have, namely the wellbeing of the physical body. But before we can move into our vibrational home that is 5D consciousness, we must first become masterful of the vibrations and possibilities of 4D consciousness. This is the focus of the Shift for most people as we head into the ever-accelerating events of 2012. So how do you become masterful in 4D consciousness? The Tools of 4D Present Time As I mentioned, 4D is the 'right now' of 'present time.' But present time actually has four different levels. In 2010, we all stepped into the third level. As we move through 2012, we step into the fourth, and final, level. In that level, when you think, ‘I would like an apple,’ the apple is going to appear in your hand. Usually when I say that people get very excited. And it is exciting. However … there is a however. The vast majority of people on this planet are not prepared to be the masters of their every thought, feeling, and action in every moment. But there’s no option. It’s a required, baseline skill of higher 4D and 5D consciousness. One of the reasons the 3rd dimension was created was to provide a “playground” in which we each can practice and hone the vibration of our thoughts and feelings. To accomplish this, the 3D playground has a time buffer. Instead of ‘instant manifestation’ there is a time lag between the thought we think and the manifestation or experience of that thought. For the most part, we are very sloppy with this buffer. Instead of focusing on what we want, and allowing this to unfold over time, we spew anger, frustration, boredom, worry, anxiety, blame, guilt, fear - all kinds of lower, disharmonic thoughts and feelings. We behave as if we can think and feel anything with impunity because we do not see the instantaneous results of our thinking. But no longer. As 3D linear time is collapsing into a single point of present time, the time buffer is collapsing too. We have less opportunity to practice being aware of our mental and emotional habits before what we think is what we get. This is a very big deal. Fortunately, some simple energy tools can help you manage your thoughts and emotions in every moment so that you can be prepared for the unprecedented opportunity and challenge of living and creating in present time in the higher dimensions. These basic energy tools are available for free on our website www.masteringalchemy .com but let me explain a few of them here by way of example. Allow the Shift to clear your unconscious thoughts & feelings In simple terms, the Shift is using one wave of light frequencies to clear away who we are not, and another wave to remind us who we are. The Shift knows where we’ve stored unwanted, unconscious habits of thought and reactionary emotion, and the light is clearing all this from our vibration. However, as these lesser thoughts and feelings are cleared, they will come into our awareness, and magnetize people and circumstances to us that mirror these chaotic energies. How do you handle these often-powerful energies when they appear. You allow them. If you can simply observe them with a sense of detachment as they come up – knowing that they are just coming up to be cleared - they will clear quickly, and you won’t even remember what the fuss was all about. But if you grab hold and engage these chaotic thoughts and feelings, if you insist on feeling guilty or worrying, if you continue to argue that ‘I am not OK’ or ‘They are not OK,’ these energies will not be cleared from your space – and the Shift, as it accelerates ever faster, will become a very bumpy, very ‘not OK’ road for you. Remember most often what comes up is not even yours; it does not belong to you. Acknowledge it and know that it’s coming up to be cleared… forever. Take a couple of deep breaths, go for a walk, listen to music -- but turn your attention point to something of a higher vibration. Understanding the Lower and Higher 4th Dimension To simplify another important aspect of the Shift, let’s imagine that the 4th dimension has just two parts to it – a lower 4th dimension and a higher 4th dimension. (This is not technically true, but it’s a useful distinction.) As I mentioned, form will remain when 3D disappears. We’ll still experience houses and cars and trees. But fear, judgments, blame and guilt, the rights and the wrongs, will disappear. All this dense emotional energy, which is the only thing that prevents us from playing in the higher dimensions right now, will simply be cleared from our space. However, depending upon the vibration of the thoughts you are thinking as 3D disappears, you will find yourself in either the lower 4th dimension or the higher 4th dimension. The lower 4th dimension, which is also called the astral plane or dream space, holds all the thoughts ever thought by anyone in the 3rd dimension. You see, thoughts don’t just disappear after we think them. They live on in the lower 4th dimension, with specific weight, texture, density and emotional charge. And they bond and cluster with all the other thoughts of similar character. Some thoughts – such as rape, domination, slavery, war, hatred – feel heavy, dense and dark. Conversely, thoughts such as ‘butterflies,’ ‘children playing in the park,’ and ‘flowers blooming on a warm spring day’ feel light and have a simple, airy vibration. Lighter thoughts like these rarely linger in a 3D consciousness. Because in order to align and feel the vibration of, for example, ‘beauty,’ we must step out of 3D consciousness into present time, a higher 4th dimensional space. Wait, you say, I know ‘Beauty!’ You do, because we’re now living in both the third and fourth dimensions simultaneously, but how often do you align yourself with, and linger on, the feeling of beauty? It’s a 4D, present-time skill to take thoughts like ‘light,’ ‘airy’ and ‘beauty’ to heart. These vibrations don’t even exist in the hurry up, past/future of the 3rd dimension where it’s very difficult to pause in present time and smell a flower. But, on the other hand, have you noticed that heavy, uncomfortable thoughts such as ‘I’m not good enough.’ or ‘They don’t like me.’ or ’I’m never going to succeed.’ tend to linger quite a bit longer in 3D consciousness? This is because thoughts are electric and emotions are magnetic. A set of light, airy vibrations like ‘beauty’ or ‘graciousness’ has a low, soft, electrical charge that is expansive and fluid. Whereas heavier, uglier thoughts come highly charged and wrapped in highly magnetic emotions. These thoughts are not only harder to clear than kind, loving thoughts; they also bond magnetically to all other thoughts like them in the lower 4th dimension. So much of the magnetic field we walk around in - I’m not OK, You’re not OK - has very little to do with who we really are. It’s just the magnetism of one heavy, unconscious thought attaching itself to the magnetism of similar heavy, unconscious thoughts. You begin to see why it’s vital to become conscious of the thoughts you think and the emotions you throw into your vibrational mix. Fortunately, the second wave of the Shift is making this easier and easier. As we let go of the heavier energies of Who We Are Not, the light is rewiring us, stepping us up into a higher 4th dimensional vibration where lesser thoughts and emotions are not such a distraction in our general experience. We start to live in alignment with the heart, and experience the vibrations and consequences of concepts such as ‘I like me,’ ‘I’m happy,’ ‘I’m pleased with myself.’ The alignment with the heart becomes natural because it already is our natural alignment in the higher fourth, fifth and sixth dimensions. However, some assembly is required. Any limitations, judgments, denials, blame, guilt, or resentments that we each still argue for, in one way or the other, become like weights on a hot air balloon. They limit how far we can rise within the fourth dimensional range of vibration. Each of us is 100 percent in charge of the process. The more weight - lower-vibrational patterns of words, thoughts, and emotions - we remove, the higher we rise into the expansive experience of the higher 4th dimension. Here, it is as if we look past the boundaries and limitations, which were always just a habit of observation in 3D. It’s a wider view, a calmer view, and a quieter view. In the upper 4th dimension, you can choose fear or worry, and drop into the lower 4th dimension… but you won’t. As you begin to align with the heart, very naturally - ‘I Like Me’ - you’re going to find there’s no reason or compulsion to choose an uncomfortable attention point in the lower 4th dimension. It comes naturally and readily because it is the language and vibration of you’re natural well being - if you let it, and if you focus upon it. It’s a choice. As the shift accelerates and time collapses and everything is in the present moment, you could still choose your thoughts and feelings unconsciously, out of 3rd dimensional habit, and you would have the opportunity to live that discomfort immediately and fully in your experience. Or you can choose your thought and emotion in every moment, with focus and awareness, and live the fullness of that experience. In other words, it’s to your benefit to practice and integrate the ability to choose the contents of your consciousness right now, before it really counts - and that moment is not very far away. It’s all up to you. Until now, the center of your head, the place from where you can choose your thoughts and attention point, has been pre-occupied by the thoughts of others. Your Mom-Dad-Teacher-Minister loved you and had an opinion about the best way for you to live your life, and as their thoughts moved in to your head, “You” moved out. Now it is time to take back ownership of the center of your head. As you recognize and let go of the unnatural thoughts that say, ‘Oh, I can’t do this’ and ‘I can’t do that’ and ‘I must do this,’ you’re going to find that soon all those thoughts, with their sticky interlocking connections in the lower 4th dimension, disappear. Just putting your attention in present time on ‘beauty’ and ‘well-being‘, or just being ‘happy’ in a state of ‘ease‘, eliminates the lesser vibrations stored within the lower astral fields of the 4th dimension. Start by playing with the vibration of what I call Living Words. The Archangels very deliberately and precisely selected these words - words such as Certain, Capable, Commanding, Present, Senior, Graciousness and Happy - so that you can most easily clear all the unconscious vibrations from your space. Choose one word each day and live with it all day, think it and feel it often. If you practice thinking and feeling these vibrations now, when it doesn’t absolutely count, they will become your habit when it does count. You begin to gracefully realign with the fullness of “You,” and your natural state of wellbeing lifts you into the higher 4th dimension. Easy? Kind of. Simple? Yes. Does it require awareness and a choice from a present time space? Absolutely. Can you sit on the sidelines and hope it all turns out? No. Increased levels of electromagnetic light from the higher dimensions are now flowing within all of us. Many people in the 3rd dimension cannot handle this surge, and they are choosing to step out of their bodies. And many, many more will follow as the Shift accelerates You see, everyone is going home to the 4th and then 5th dimensions, but not everyone is going home on the same timeline, and with the same ease and grace. How do you choose? Blessings Universal Copyright 2012 is authorized here. Please distribute freely as long as both the author and is included as the resource and this information is distributed on a non-commercial no charge basis.

Sunday, 8 April 2012

Whatever Your Beliefs Happy Easter- Feliz Fiestas

Whatever Your Beliefs

Happy Easter- Feliz Fiestas

Whatever your beliefs, or non-beliefs let us be positive about the concepts of Easter:
Reincarnation – Rebirth (spirits never die – only bodies)
New Beginnings
Spring (in Northern Hemisphere), new green shoots of nature.

What are you dreams and desires?
Write them down. Visualise them.
Believe you can achieve them.

What is you truth?
What are your core beliefs?
What is your life purpose?

Are you ready to live your truth, and step away from present realities, however comfortable they may seem to be?

Perhaps your story is that you work for money in a job you don’t like, in a relationship which does not satisfy your body or your soul, and you mix with people who drain your energies?

Or perhaps life is perfect and you do what you enjoy each day, in positive loving energies which are so abundant that you raise everyone around you?

Perhaps your truth is to live in honesty, integrity, consciousness, compassion, love, positivity and balance, and to be your REAL self? Are you living that truth?

If not what is your mind telling you that stops you following your heart, your dreams and your true path?

We each have a path to travel. Each day we can make many choices. Make conscious choices which are right for you and to raise you to the highest levels of vibration and life.

“I am the Rainbow Warrior. I walk the Earth in Truth, Honesty and Integrity”.

Be the Best You Can Be.

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Discomfort Zone - The Female of the Species

Discomfort Zone
The Female of the Species

Watching a great performance of a play on Sunday at St James Cavalier, Valletta Malta, reminded me (as a Relationship Coach)of many common difficulties in the relationships between men and women.

The clever script was inspired by an incident in the life of Feminist Germaine Greer. The lead character is a writer of Feminist ideas, and her books reflect changing attitudes to the relationship between the sexes, as she offers one different solution to life after another, book by book, leaving perhaps a trail of readers trying to follow one or other suggested lifestyle. Her big success was written 35 years earlier, and in the play she struggles to any inspiration to write a new book which the Publisher needs to stay in business.

The characters in the play are all recognisable stereotypes, from the child deserted by her mother at birth, as recommended in the authors first bestseller book advising women to follow their dreams. The author’s daughter feels unloved by her mother, does not know who her father is, and is overwhelmed by bringing up three small children, while her husband, trying to help, is emancipated , does the tasks at home, but offers her no sexual excitement, or outlet which she craves, or at least she would if she was not always tired.

She needs dominating sexual energy from her man and without it lives in frustration and depression. Does any reader relate to this? Does a woman want a MAN, or a cleaner (or both in one)?

The taxi driver comes in, he has been through the emasculated process but returned to masculinity which attracts the unsatisfied daughter. And so it continues with amusing dialogue and the audience are surely all relating to one scenario being discussed, or another.

Taking one relationship example: Our LIFE FORCE energy is sexual, and where man and woman are together, however much he shares the tasks of the home, or she has career or outside interests, a relationship without sex or intimacy to satisfy both parties, is unbalanced and unsatisfying for at least one.

I see this is my relationship coaching and can offer a mirror to man and woman, and guide them, if they desire it, to a sensual, intimate, fulfilling relationship. Tantric practices can be so helpful to achieve this.

Of course this will never work for some couples, who may live in unsatisfying compromise because they enjoy some other part of the relationship, or are afraid to leave the comfort zone (which they know, for fear of what lies beyond), one or both often just shutting down this important part of life.

I prefer to call this the discomfort zone!

Some will realise that there is more to life, and ultimately leave to find partners with whom they can enjoy a satisfying balanced life using the LIFE FORCE – sexual energies, which stimulate feel good hormonal chemicals to the brain, lifting depression, and giving energy for quality work and leisure.

I recommend the play if it comes to a theatre near to you.

If you are in Malta there are further performances on 9, 10 & 11 March 2012.

Friday, 2 March 2012

Earth Yourself

I feel like I have an electric current running through me. It's tremendously unsettling.

Go outside and ground yourself by standing bare foot on the grass or earth.

SBG: David Thank you. That was the best I have felt all day when I sat on my porch with my bare feet in the grass. I'm going to head back out there for as long as the weather will allow.

Of course going into nature is a great way to relax, de-stress and to regain balance in life too, Nature heals us.