Therapies and the Spiritual Path

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Thursday, 26 August 2010



I rarely watch television now. I rarely see a news bulletin. The broadcasters, like the newspapers, allocate most of their airtime and energy to bad news. They compete for viewers by offering the most sensational stories and images. They spread so much negative energy into people’s minds, like mass hypnotism. The lives of footballers and of actresses are put on pedestals for all to see, then pulled apart like sport for the distorted entertainment of those with nothing better to focus on.

There should be a good news channel, to uplift and to motivate the masses to acts of kindness, and showing possibilities of each having their own beautiful life, full of gratitude for the gifts they have.

The internet provides most of my entertainment needs. As I enter to check my mail I see the news headings. In most cases that tells me all I need to know about the disasters and scandles.

The internet also provides music, and thanks to social networks, my friends and I can share what we like. I have found so much good music that way.

So when Sarah (name changed for anonymity) posted a message asking for music recommendations I was able to respond. I know that she is a single mother whose whole life, typically, revolves around her son. I have give her Life Coaching so I know things about her which she would not normally disclose.

My recommendation to her was A Mother’s Blessing by Snatam Kaur. The singer has a beautiful pure voice, and in this song she sings in both English and Spanish.

Sarah’s response filled my heart with joy, and I was so pleased that I had made the effort to respond to her open request.

The deepest sense of fulfilment and wonderment I ever experienced was carrying my son.... my mother was the first to know. She said 'Oh no, my baby's having a baby'

In that moment I understood that being a mother has no words deep enough to describe the depth of the bond between a mother and her child.

The smallest gesture can make a difference to someone’s day, and to their life.

Music has vibration and the listener will immediately feel whether any piece of music will resonate at a frequency which at worst, annoys and makes them feel uncomfortable, and at best lifts the heart and spirit, and fills the person with joy.

Music, dance, art and all things creative are right brain activities. So many of us use the analytical left brain most of the time and are out of balance. Right brain activities are such good partners as we walk our spiritual paths. Share the music you love with others, and try something new.

David Millner
26 August 2010

Tuesday, 24 August 2010


Manifest what you want. Take charge of your own life by focusing only on the positive things you want to achieve. With your growing awareness, you know that anything is possible, personally, and for the “New Earth” which so many aspire to, free from the third dimensional greed, hatred, disease, jealousy and poverty, to the joy, love, peace and abundance, the earth of fifth dimension qualities

You never know how close you are to achieving your personal dreams and goals, and often lose trust. In negativity, you then refocus on what you are trying to move from, the old third dimension poverty, when in fact personal abundance is so close.

If the pearl fisherman knows that it takes a hundred oysters to find three pearls, he will not give up at 97 if he has not found a pearl. Will you give up and lose trust in the positive outcome when you are so close. Will you regress to the old patterns, which will surely bring the old result?

Focus on what you want to achieve, and continue to visualise the outcome, make daily meditations asking for the abundance you need.

Everything is energy, vibration and consciousness. Invoke the Violet Flame. Visualise it around you, to protect you and to provide what you need. Ask for what you need for yourself, and for the new consciousness of the earth and it’s inhabitants. Ask for the poverty consciousness to become abundance consciousness for all who have awakened and for those yet to awake.

Create the higher vibration. Others are doing the same. Together in co-creation, the critical mass will be achieved and the new vibrations will create the world we want to live in. Never give up. The pearl could be in the next oyster.

What you don’t like, you have the option to change. You also have the ability and responsibility to change it. That is like a democracy. But in politics you give your energy to the politicians who don’t use it. You give responsibility to the doctor to be healed, but now is the time to take back the energy and responsibility and to make the changes yourself.

There is a Divine plan for the New Earth. Your contribution is important, as is the contribution of enough like-minded people to tip the balance to the new vibration. Respond to your heart’s call. Be the greatest force of good you can be. Make a positive difference each day.

With good intention:

“I am one with all life. I am divine unconditional love. I am abundance. I am grateful for all that I am and have. I have a healing touch. I am the outcome I visualise and move towards each day, for myself, and for the planet. I do what I choose. I have what I need. I am who I want to be. My reward is from helping others.”

David Millner
24 August 2010 – full moon

Sunday, 22 August 2010

When you want something…..

When you want something…..

Read the signs, read the omens. They are there for all to see as we progress through life. But how many of us notice them, and then how many of us react and take action because of the sign. Call it intuition if you prefer. But the signs are real. Like seeing 11:11 regularly on digital clocks, and other places.

Be aware. Or be unaware.

One choice in life leads to another, and to another. That is happening to me. And as a result a new friend told me that I must read Paul Coelho’s classic book, THE ALCHEMIST. I went online to and found it. I placed an order. The order could not be fulfilled because the seller would not post the book to the country I am in.

I am learning to go with the flow, and not fight against it.

Various friends on Facebook keep posting quotes by Paul Coelho, which I find inspiring. I saved a few. The signs are all pointing me to Paul Coelho, and to the Alchemist.

Finally I am watching a Paul Coelho video interview on youtube, and as usual scan the similar options to the right of the screen. There is a short video about The Alchemist. I watch it and see The Alchemist (1/30) and click on that.

English actor Jeremy Irons starts reading the book to me. Three hours or so later he reaches the end with video (30/30). I am thrilled that it was so easy to “hear” the book. I am also thrilled with the simple message running through the book:

When you want something the whole Universe will conspire for you to have it. If you really want it, put your energy and vibration into the air to achieve it. Turn the dream into reality. Take the risk. Step away from the comfort zone. Don’t be afraid of making mistakes. Dive deep into the universal language of signs and omens, and with practice, focus and dedication, step into the unknown and follow the dream.

Put aside fear, the fear of failure, the fear of success, the fear of the unknown, the fear of what others will say. There are many dream stealers out there who will do everything in their power to persuade you to give up on your dream. Ignore them and follow your heart and your truth.

Thank you Paul for the vision, and for showing the way. You followed your dream to write books and to inspire. Many were inspired before me. Many more will be.

Sunday, 15 August 2010

SURYA and CHANDRA The Play of Sun and Moon in human relationships


The Play of Sun and Moon in human relationships

In ancient Vedic scripts the sun SURYA, moon CHANDRA, and the planets were all related to human characteristics and interaction.

The sun gives the light, and energy from it’s fire, the masculine quality. The moon reflects the light of the sun, the feminine quality. When Surya leads and takes responsibility, Chandra is bathed with the light and there is harmony. All is as nature planned.

Surya attracts Chandra and the essential male – female energies support each other. Chandra is programmed to be beautiful, and to praise and encourage Surya, who in turn is devoted to love and to take care of Chandra, and the family. Surya is the strength and leadership. Patient Chandra is responsive to the leadership, and dedicates her life to be the support of their Surya partner, and mother to his children.

Surya is the leader. There can only be one leader. In present times many women take the role of Surya because the man in the relationship does not lead, or take responsibility. He may have been raised by a Surya mother, often in a single parent family. He was conditioned to the Chandra role by the strength of his Surya mother who fought to raise him alone, and dedicated years of her life to this lonely task, which she would not have missed for the world. He does not know how be be Surya to a woman.

Or the woman is the single mother, or single career woman, so is the Surya. She has the capability to revert to the Chandra role if she meets a strong Surya male, or can remain the Surya to a weaker Chandra male.

Some Chandra women, on connecting with the Chandra male, spend years of patient encouragement to train their man to be the Surya. Some just become the Surya of the relationship.

As women recognise and practice their spiritual growth and journey, many will become the Surya, in that aspect at least, or will walk away and take the journey alone. Many Surya women walk the spiritual path.

So how can career couple, both, Surya, has a personal relationship? In practice one or other will become the Surya at home, the other the Chandra. It can be one roll at work, the other at home. There will be compromise, separate paths within the relationship, or clashes. In practice, they can both be so drained by the careers that they come home and exist, sharing meals, a concert, a holiday, and little else. But they remain connected because most of the package functions to a degree of satisfaction.

Of course this is just a scene from the play. The young men taking the powerboat to a bay for a boys day out, drinking beer, and playing loud music for everyone nearby to hear, are not taking responsibility. They are Mars, not Surya.

To keep this article simple, the planet aspects have been ignored but will exist in all.

Are you Surya, taking responsibility? Are you Chandra, reflecting the light and providing the support to a Surya? Does reading this inspire you to change?


David Millner

15 August 2010

Friday, 13 August 2010



The age old Asian philosophy of tantra encourages openness, and focus on YOU.

Various things can bring emotions to the surface. Emotions are no more than blocked energy in the body.

The pendulum effect is known by many, the swings from the positive to the negative and back, good days and bad days, joy and depression. Tantra aims to even the flow, to reduce the pendulum effect making more of an even flow, like natures passage of the tides.

Open the heart chakra and let it flow. Let what flow? Energies and emotions. Many emotions are trapped in the heart chakra. Many are in the lower chakras, blockages caused by repressions and fears, childhood experiences and guilt, often including sexuality. Energies should flow freely around the whole body, but blockages prevent this.

It is time to release old negative emotional patterns.

Tantra healing can be for one person, or shared by a couple.

Start with breathing. Breathe energy into the heart chakra. Open the heart to the pureness of love energy. Be conscious of the energy flow. As each emotion surfaces, work through it, with your tantra facilitator or partner. As the energy rises, keep breathing it in and let it flow to the base chakra.

Share breathing; sit facing each other and breathe together, then one breathes in while the other breathes out. Talk about the feelings and emotions. You partner needs to be receptive. This is your space and time. Feel and tap into your own energy field. Connect and flow as one. This is a safe loving environment to let go and to be healed.

Feel the energy and tap into your own energy centre. Connect and flow as one. Open your energy centre to flow energies evenly back and forth with your partner.

Feel, don’t think. Let go the old, unwanted emotions. They are not needed. They are baggage. Lighten the load.

Avoid taking on the emotions of the partner. Each person needs to feel and deal with their own emotions, to sort them out and to grow as a result. Emotions can be picked up from your partner. Ask yourself “is this emotion mine?”

Where there are sexual blockages (most people have them), usually at the sacral chakra, the tantra facilitator can address this with specific bodywork and breathing. That will be the subject of another article.


David Millner

13 August 2010

Thursday, 12 August 2010

Poem - Man, Boat, Reflections


A warm summer evening, man alone with his boat

A beautiful bay, a cooling breeze

Voices from other boats mix with the sounds of water

Man and boat are almost one, many shared adventures

Silence of moonlit nights, shelter of bays and ports

Power of storms and sea, joys of dolphins and whales

Reflections in the water, sun oven the water

Ever moving wavelets, ever changing light

No computer, no internet, no locked door

Time to reflect on the past, the people, the places

Disconnected by time and space, returning in mind

Memories of love, of desire, of touch

Memories of friendships and adventures

Memories of moments like this

Things that were, things that might have been

Reflections brought from the subconscious

Hopes and desires for the future

People to meet, places to visit, life to live

Joys and loves to experience

Thoughts of the here and now, this moment

Special friends to share the moment

To share the sunset to share the clear air

To share a smile, a joke, a meal, a drink

Man is happy alone with his boat

Man is happy to share the special moments

To share the breeze, to share the reflections

Man will sleep, boat will keep the night watch.

David Millner

11 August 2010

written in Sta. Maria Bay, Comino.

Wednesday, 11 August 2010



You don’t need to be spiritual to live a balanced or an unbalanced life.

On a scale of 0 (unsatisfactory) to 10 (very satisfactory) you can rate your current status. Choose your own categories; but they may include: work / career, family, relationship / love, sport, hobbies, fitness, health, friends, spirituality, travel, art / creativity, finances etc.

Draw a circle with some spokes (like a wheel) from the centre to the edge. At the end of each spoke write one of the chosen categories. The centre of the wheel represents your zero, unsatisfactory rating. The rim represents your ten, the very satisfactory.

Now plot you scores onto the spokes of the wheel and join the dots. A workaholic who rarely sees the family, or who has no time for relationships might rate career at 9 and family, or relationship at 2. Someone out of work, but who has time to meditate and do yoga each day may rate career 0 and spirituality 9.

The lines between the dots show the shape of your wheel, your present moment life balance. Would your wheel roll down the road, or stop?

It is important to focus on your present moment life balance, and address any imbalance. It could improve your health as well as bringing necessary balance.

How did you rate your spirituality? 1 or 2 because you are frustrated, can’t find the time, or don’t know how to progress? Or 8 or 9 because you live and breathe it, despite other calls on your time and energy?

It is easy to put spirituality into little boxes, the one-hour yoga class, and the weekly meditation group. Then you get on with your life until the next spiritual appointment in your diary. You are probably the one who made a low score on the wheel, and you see spirituality as another activity to find time for.

Or you make the decision to act like the spiritual being that you are (or want to be), living this human experience. Wake up a few minutes earlier in the morning if necessary and develop a routine, for example:

Make four rounds of the yoga surya namaskar (sun salutation) and follow it with ten minutes of meditation, before you put the kettle or the computer on.

Then throughout the day think LOVE to all, and everything, smile at people, say good morning to strangers, pick up some discarded drink bottle and put it in the recycling bin, take a few deep breaths, connect with nature, even if you can only make loving touch with a tree outside the office.

Be CONSCIOUS about all aspects of the day. Spiritualiy is consciousness and awareness.

Consider what really matters, what is really important. Focus your energies on what needs doing, in a conscious way. Treat the people around you in a conscious loving way.

Speak using positive words and statements. Avoid negative words,

Instead of “s**t, there’s no coffee”, say, “We need more coffee”.

When asked how you are, reply, “great thanks”, even if you don’t feel it. It raises the whole vibration and positivity in the home, or in the workplace. “Not bad” or “could be worse” drops the whole vibration. Be the shining light in your people group and the others will respond. Diplomatically, you can even encourage the others to do the same. Become, discreetly, the spiritual leader. Avoid becoming the spiritual bore.

Very few people are truly in balance, all of the time. Compare with a yachtsman steering his yacht across the sea. The desired destination may lie ahead on a compass course of 090 degrees, due east. When he concentrates, the bow will follow that average course but may move between 085 degrees and 095 degrees. When he gets tired, or distracted, the course may vary between 070 degrees and 110 degrees. The yacht will still reach the destination, but will take longer and get there in a less efficient way.

So are you on course today, and focussed, or are you distracted and keep deviating from the course?

There are extremes in spirituality of course. You may choose to take an intensive three-month retreat in an ashram, and ignore the world outside, or take some similar time out on your own in nature. Identify and live your truth. Over time you will develop different perspectives, and you will create the new balance that suits the new you. In fact some time out to find yourself, or to get to know yourself, is a worthwhile part of the spiritual journey.

Think yin and yang, think balance, be balanced.


David Millner

August 2010

Tuesday, 10 August 2010



J says: “Thank you David, for your treasured friendship. I welcome the Spiritual and friendship journey with you....

Thank you for the link, I found it most helpful.....

I need to find a balance, between my passion n fire...I am sooo passionate about everything, so much so, that when I make a stand for the rights of others, I allow my fire to explode with out meaning too, and this of course is not good for any one......

''After reading your link I'm thinking yes I need to work on my ''Root n Throat Chakras....Would this be right do you think...? As I do not want to harm any one,

and I do have a passion for helping the underdog, but want to be able to do it in a loving way for the good of all.....''My Passion n Fire can be a Dangerous mix at times,

''I am not violent, but my words can carry much fire, and like a sword cut deep into others...not good I know. This is a part of me that I am trying to change, for myself n for the good of all.....xo”


Yes work on the lower chakras. The element of fire is in the solar plexus chakra, the energy centre, and grounding earth is the root chakra, and communication (sound) the throat.

Think before you speak. Will you harm someone? Take a deep breath, and practice to accept that what you stand up for does not matter SO much, and that there is another way... to move forward in your truth.

Balance between the intention you have, and the harm you know you can do.

Just keep trying, and listen to what you say, and learn from the observation.

ASCENSION – What is it? – What do you feel?

ASCENSION – What is it? – What do you feel?

In the spiritual context the word ASCENSION is widely used to explain the process and movement of life, experience and the pull of life, towards higher vibration and consciousness. It is not the ascension associated with death.

As we attain a higher vibration we cast off negative patterns, which belong at the lower frequencies. These changes will have effects on all of our body layers, physical, etheric, emotional, mental, astral bodies etc.

Feelings of anxiety or change can lead to attempts to regain control by eating more, or eating less. Food comes from the earth so has a grounding effect. Toxic (junk) foods feel toxic, and the body no longer wants them. Again they suit the lower vibrations we are transforming from. Some will feel allergic reactions to certain foods.

The conscious mind needs to release emotions as the vibration rises. Sleep patterns may change. During sleep, in astral travel, there will be releasing, leaving a feeling of daytime tiredness, or low energy. It is a time to rest and regain energy.

Some will suffer colds and flu, as the system releases and resets itself. Some will suffer sore joints and muscles during the transformation process.

It is an important time to keep energy moving in the body by exercise, conscious breathing, yoga etc. It is a time of kundalini awakening, and some will feel the positive but strange sensation of energy rising from the base chakras to the brain.

The doctor will not diagnose your situation, so take responsibility for your own balance and health by recognising what is happening, and eating the most healthy food, taking exercise, relaxing the mind, and doing regular meditation. In a way it is similar to living through hormonal change as from puberty to the adult state.

Everything is as it should be. Live for today without fear and anxiety.