Therapies and the Spiritual Path

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Monday, 27 December 2010

Stop Fighting It

Stop Fighting It

"When you fight something, you’re tied to it forever.
As long as you’re fighting it, you’re giving it power."

-- Anthony de Mello

"What you resist persists. And only what you look at, and own, can disappear.
You make it disappear by simply changing your mind about it."

-- Neale Donald Walsch

Saturday, 25 December 2010

You Can Live Your Truth

You Can Live your truth.

Some things in life, love, work, are perfect?
Some things you desire and need are missing?
You visualise them.
You compromise.

For example - Why does someone take a lover?
There is some unsatisfied need or want.
Perhaps you lack the courage to confront your partner to try to improve things?
Perhaps you have discussed the shortfalls and nothing changed, and nothing will change?
Perhaps you know from experience that saying what you really want will make matters worse for you?

So you take a secret lover.
That can satisfy body, and perhaps soul too, but you are not living your truth.
You are living a lie. This also feels wrong and out of balance.
It is the comfort zone of discomfort.
You live two lives.

It is often said that what you visualise is what you get in life.
Is it your time to leave the lie behind and live an open honest truth?

Human beings are no longer accepting secrets and deception.
Look at Wikileaks. Their purpose: We are of assistance to peoples of all countries who wish to reveal unethical behaviour in their governments and institutions.
The public are ready for this. The corrupt governments and institutions are fighting to protect their unethical ways.

So it is with individuals. It is time to be transparent and honest, or to work towards it.
Caution - If all became transparent overnight there would be chaos.

Visualise the truth that you want to live, in openness and honesty, and make the necessary moves to live that truth and to be that truth. Do it in a way not to hurt others. If it means moving on from an unsatisfying relationship, the act of moving on is not hurting the other. It is a necessary adjustment. Be as kind as possible to the partner in any move to find your right balance and to find your truth.

Imagine a world with no lies, no anger, no jealousy, and no deception. Visualise it. It will come.

7 more days to shed physical and emotional baggage.

7 more days of 2010 to shed any physical or emotional baggage which you no longer need.

Clear the clutter of your spare room.

Attend to paperwork.

Work on karma not needed to be taken into 2011.

Thereby enter 2011 with light spirit and light heart.

Prepare for take-off. ♥

Thursday, 23 December 2010



Many difficult decisions in life sit in the mind under constant internal discussion.
Do it? Don’t do it? Do it this way? Do it that way?

Of course the possibilities and consequences must be considered. It can be good to write down the arguments in favour and against. That focuses the mind.

Indecision is a heavy burden, and you feel it dragging you down. You are stuck at the crossroads. You are not going with the flow. You have stopped.

How many times have you seen someone who has made a major decision saying, “I am so glad that I ………….”

They are light again, going with the flow, and happy, often giving up much security in life, for the path of freedom to be themselves, to do what they want or need to do, to leave a person who drags them down, or to be with a person they want to be with.

They become free of the heavy burden of indecision.

Is it time to make that important decision and become light again? Is it time to leave your load at the crossroads and move along whichever path you will choose?

What better time than at the end of a year to close some doors, and the beginning of the New Year to start afresh.

It is better to try and to fail, than never to try at all.


Life is an opportunity, benefit from it.
Life is beauty, admire it.
Life is bliss, taste it.
Life is a dream, realize it.
Life is a challenge, meet it.
Life is a duty, complete it.
Life is a game, play it.
Life is a promise, fulfil it.
Life is sorrow, overcome it.
Life is a song, sing it.
Life is a struggle, accept it.
Life is a tragedy, confront it.
Life is an adventure, dare it.
Life is luck, make it.
Life is too precious, do not destroy it.
Life is life, fight for it.

Mother Teresa

Friday, 10 December 2010



Did you ever see something in a shop, want it, and for whatever reason, not buy it? : Perhaps a book, a pair of shoes, or whatever. You felt that you could not spare the money that day, or were just indecisive.

When you arrived home you regretted the decision or the indecision. Next time you passed the shop, went in, and what you wanted was no longer there.

Did you ever not do something because “I am too busy”, like doing yoga, meditating, attending an important event or reading a special book?

You know that “I am too busy” is really an excuse. You can find time in the busiest day for a few minutes of silence to connect with the “inner You”, your higher self. We can all be more time efficient if we decide to be.

The three most important things in life according to Prahbu Darmayasa, Balinese spiritual leader, and co-founder of the Divine Love Society, are:

Peace of Mind
Divine Love

He says that we ignore these “diamonds”.

It may not be your style but sometimes even the most “giving” person must put himself first. Make some “ME” time a priority, even five minutes a day, to be quiet and to look within, to listen.

If you only give, and never take for yourself, your life is out of balance. We all need balance.

Never again miss the rare opportunity to get what YOU need or want when you see it. It may never be offered again.

If it is important you, for once, put “ME” ahead of worrying that “But I should stay home to be with my partner today” or “I should not spend this money”, or “I don’t have time”.

These common thoughts / phrases will lead to lifelong regret of missed opportunity, and leave you out of balance and harmony.

ME time is your gift to your self to nurture your soul.

Copyright David Millner
December 2010

Friday, 3 December 2010

Walk in Trust towards Awakening

Walk in Trust towards Awakening
Become Compassion
Become Consciousness
Become free from Dependence on others.
Find your own Strength Within
Find your own Truth
Follow that Unique path - Your path.