Therapies and the Spiritual Path

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Monday 28 June 2010



Like a drop of water falling onto a still pond and sending out the ripple waves, we create movement of waves, waves of energy, by our thoughts, actions and vibrations.

This energy is the basis of transformation of oneself, and of the community we choose to be part of, and is more than just advancing knowledge.

  1. Flowing, like WATER female energy, capable of finding any gap to flow into.
  2. Masculine dynamic of power, strength, roughness, incremental power, like FIRE.
  3. The masculine and feminine meet joining energies > CHAOS.
  4. The LULL, the lyrical movement, after climax of the chaos.
  5. Deep stillness, a new settling – the energies have changed if the cycle completed, the separate male and female energies have become different, a result of the fusion and subsequent return to two entities.

This is the art of living, the science of life, how we function, from a human orgasm, to a storm developing and moving past, and many other scenarios. When the five movements are complete we have learned something, a transformation. If the cycle does not finish there is no growth, no change. The full cycle can bring awareness of deep issues which surface. Remember we all have a masculine side, and a feminine side. We live in a time of developing the feminine energies.

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