Therapies and the Spiritual Path

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Saturday 3 July 2010



Consider the link between the base / root chakra and the throat chakra. The base chakra is linked to earth, self-identity, and humanity. It is FIRE, colour red. It is the area of survival and stability and your place on this earth and security issues.

The throat chakra is self-expression, understanding, “my” presentation to the world. Body, psyche and spirit come together here. It is VOICE, colour blue. Blue relates to self expression. Speech, communication, the ability to communicate our needs and requirements. Spirit of truth and purpose.

Visualise two spinning energies, at the front of the throat, the conscious, at the back of the neck, the unconscious, and linked together.

These two chakras need to be fully open and connected to permit full function, the full link to the earth, pure powerful communication, integrating the whole being.

If they are not fully open they will block the functions of the body, the psyche and the spiritual path.

Some are afraid to allow the fire of the base chakra to burn, afraid of the consequences. These are the living dead, missing life. Fire is the source of purification, transformation and the energy to move forward in balance.

To live life fully a powerful voice is needed, or the voice has no life. I do not refer to volume, but the power of communicating truth, authority. The words must mean what they say. A quiet voice can have power.

Consider the animals. They are firmly rooted in their fully developed base chakras, connected to the earth. They can, and do, heal us.

We need to connect to the fire, the goddess female energies within us all, men and women, to use the power to transform, and to fire up the consciousness. Be creative, move beyond the present limits, and use the inner power to move forward. Feel strong so you won’t lose the way. Tune in to some shamanic drumming, focus on the energy centre, the hara point, three fingers width below the belly button, become more alert. Visualise and feel the energy flow to the throat.

The precious lesson is to link the root and throat chakras, to shift energies, to clear blockages, open the thought process, and release deep-seated emotions. If the throat is blocked, energy stops flowing. For example the energy of real anger can stick in the throat, causing a double blockage.

Create the link, the connection, and let the body speak with power. Allow the body to function properly; there is no need to remain stuck. Dance and hum the problem away. Use the voice like you never used it before, give freedom to the throat. The fire can beak through the blockages.

By connecting the fire of the base chakra to the voice of the throat chakra we can create the balanced energy “the VOICE in the FIRE”.

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