Therapies and the Spiritual Path

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Monday, 29 November 2010



We live pressured lives, in unstable, unpredictable times. People carry more and more stress. There is no time to enjoy the essence of life.

We forget that the material things, which we work so hard for, do not make us happy in the long term, even if we feel rewarded by our efforts to achieve them, and in the pleasure of first ownership.

How do we find happiness? How do we speak the language of peace and love in a world where electronic communication has become so available?

Our minds are bound by prejudices and negative feelings. Where is a source of energy from which to take power from to cope with increasing demands?

It is time to look within our selves. The little voice within asks: Who Am I? What is my purpose on earth? How can the world become a better place? Why do some suffer more than others? Is there a God or a greater Force?

The answers lie in Spirituality – the key to recover and take control of our lives and to find peace, purity and love and the power to face challenges.

Peace brings equilibrium to the mind and allows it to flow with situations, not to fight them. We can recharge the batteries, the very Soul, the subtle invisible part of us, the spark, the life force which animates our bodies.

Within the soul lies peace, love, happiness, power and goodness, our essential qualities. We find these when we connect to our soul, and are then free to send these energies and qualities out into the world by our thoughts, words and actions.

When we connect internally with our soul we gain heightened perception and see people and situations as they really are. At this level we are no longer limited by culture, language, race and religion. We are all one. We are souls of one human family.

We can make this inward journey by experiencing quiet moments, being alone, being in nature and by regular meditation. We can empty the mind of the stresses and expectations of material happiness which society feeds to us, and bask in the natural treasures which we all have inside, the natural flow of love, happiness, peace and fortune. Reflect and find the answers within and allow the pure spiritual energy to recharge us.

Copyright David Millner
November 2010

Friday, 26 November 2010

Creating Our Galaxy to Support our Intentions

Energy Update: Intensifying the Shift to Crystalline
Creating Our Galaxy to Support our Intentions

This is so interesting that I share the original text with you.

Has it occurred to you, in your glorious I AM-ness, that YOU and I are collectively creating our own galaxy to support our intentions?
And that if you have felt spacey, weird, overwhelmed energetically, tired, nauseated, ears ringing, unable to focus it might be for a very concrete reason, which actually was drawn into your experience as a manifestation of your, or shall i say, OUR collective desires to expand our consciousness and elevate our frequency?
Let me explain...
The other day I received an email from a reader who shared with me the link to the a video from NASA. I took this screen shot of the video which can be seen in it's entirety HERE. It’s a beautiful image, and a beautiful experience--to see this structure in our galaxy. To understand more of what we are part of by being given the gift of a visual image of it.
Even more amazing was my response to watching this video! My crown chakra opened wide and I felt highly emotional. My heart chakra spread out across my chest and felt tender and spacious.
Rather then being stimulated mentally or curious, I had an emotional and energetic response of knowing. Knowing what? I’m not sure. But definitely, knowing.
I knew that what I was looking at was important and significant. A way perhaps to understand the incredibly deep and wide energies since that followed the 10-10-10 Stargate and which were more integrated and thus further supported and expanded with the shared focus and experience of 11-11-10.
I then went to channel and gather more understanding. I asked: What is this structure of enormous gamma ray emitting lobes, that the NASA's Fermi Telescope Finds reveals are in our Galaxy? What is the relevance or meaning of this for me and others exploring the expansion of consciousness? Here is what I received from Archangel Michael and Naeshira:
Enormous waves of high frequency light enter the Earth’s atmosphere. Interacting with lower vibrating waves to form higher frequency gamma rays. Gamma rays are typically thought of as destructive to living cells; however gamma rays with their high frequency/short wavelength are unusually compatible with crystal, (as opposed to carbon structures). Thus, they are highly effective at bringing high-frequency energies into your experience in a new way.
Radiation from gamma rays in your atmosphere is increasing in a parallel movement as your cells becoming increasingly converted from carbon to crystalline in structure. This allows for vast quantities of high-frequency energy to permeate and elevate the overall collective energy field of Earth plane.
As I contemplated this information from Michael and Naeshira, I wanted to understand more.
It’s interesting that gamma waves were thought before to only reside BEYOND the milky way. That gamma waves traveled vast distances to our atmosphere. Why would there now be, or would we now "discover" the presence of these waves radiating into our atmosphere from the our galaxy?
The structures in the video are being described by scientists as “two lobes” above and below our galaxy’s center. Isn’t it interesting that they also resemble the form of a mobius wave, the symbol also used to convey infinity?
I discovered that the scientists have never seen exactly this kind of a formation. They have nothing that explains how these highly charged electrons "got here."
Furthermore, scientists felt like these gamma rays are full of information and they don't have a context to put it in. How cool that these scientists are able to say, A) it's amazing and B) we don't know what it is and what's involved with it!
I kept asking to be guided and as I was, a constellation of relevant information to make more meaning of all this came forth.
First I learned that gamma rays are measured often (in controlled scientific environments, naturally) by creating them and directing them toward crystals. The electrons within the crystals are "contained" as so absorb the information from the gamma rays and then reflect the energy of the gamma ray's intensity as light. How poetic and amazing!
Naturally as our bodies are increase in crystalline structure we would receive gamma ray information differently and potentially be able to handle greater amounts of information transmitted this way. Thus wouldn't it be useful to increase the amount of this energy coming to us?
I remembered learning about Subtle Energy Fields--which surround human bodies. That through these fields we are connected and in communication to the Universal Field, the Great Central Sun.
Then I started thinking about intentions. And where intentions and this Unified Field meet.
The interconnectivity of fields and intentions is a convergence of subtle energy theory and quantum physics.
We’re all connected in a non-local reality. Through intention our personal field can interact with someone else’s field and instantly transfer information. And/or transfer and receive information from the field as a whole.
Considering the timing of this "discovery" by NASA.
Factoring in the concept that those individuals with higher frequency perspectives have vast influence energetically...and that many of those beings are currently focused on "ascension" or expanding consciousness and elevating their baseline frequency.
Isn't it possible that WE created this structure within our galaxy, in order to receive the light = information we need to accomplish our intentions?
It's pretty cool.
Then if we remember the work of Nikola Tesla, which suggests that the gamma rays found on earth emanate from the zero-point field. And if the zero-point field, is sending information heavy rays into our experience...
If we also consider the theory that suggests that through INTENTION we access TORSION FIELDS: fields that travel at 109 times the speed of light—fields which actually transmit INFORMATION without transmitting energy and with NO time lapse.
And if we consider that some physicists believe that torsion-shaped energy is an intelligent light, emanating from higher dimensions and different electromagnetic radiation; giving rise to DNA.
And lastly as we consider that many researchers now believe that these torsion waves ARE consciousness, composing the soul and serving as the precursor to DNA.
Then wouldn't make sense that if we are re-activating our 12 strand DNA, and shifting from carbon to crystalline, that we might create a way to accelerate this by manifesting a beautiful structure in our galaxy to transmit the exact energy into our atmosphere which would support this transformation of ourselves, our civilization, our culture and ultimately our universe?
As Archangel Michael would say: {Smile!}
And I personally find it astonishing poetic that torsion waves, which are flowing to us and indeed create a great deal of our physical symptoms--as our cells "torque" (picture a rubber band and press on it--it twists and becomes? A figure 8.) This image of our cells as they change from carbon to crystaline based, is now mirrored in our galaxy. As above so below.
In our multidimensional experience, beyond time and space, when "events" are simply located in time and space and happen beyond it, isn't it interesting that this "discovery" by NASA was shared on the 10th of November? Actually one day before the New Reality Transmissions began. A discovery which could be seen as a sign of our success, given that one of the suggestions of the New Reality Transmission is to:
“Make pictures in your mind of CNN announcing breaking news of the empirical proof that human consciousness exists outside of the body…scientific validation of the existence of the soul and of the interconnection between all souls.”
As Law of Attraction has taught us; when we open our perception to an idea and begin to pay attention to it, we attract demonstrations of this energy, like experiences, and all kinds of things are drawn toward us which support our movement in this direction.
So I ask you, have you considered that as you approached the 11-11-10 Stargate, embodying an expanded connection to your I AM presence. And some also may have participated in the New Reality Transmissions. And many of us hold the intention to receive the energetic support to ascended to a new baseline 5th dimensional frequency and for us, together to create this New Earth experience...
Has it occurred to you, in your glorious I AM-ness, that we are collectively creating our own galaxy to support our intentions?

© 2009-2010, Meredith Murphy, Expect Wonderful | Modern Paradise Publications – You are free to share, copy, distribute and display the work under the following conditions: You must give author credit, you may not use this for commercial purposes, and you may not alter, transform or build upon this work. For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work. Any of these conditions can be waived if you get the permission of the copyright holder. Any other purpose of use must be granted permission by the author.

Thursday, 25 November 2010



On the surface of the world right now there is
war and violence and things seem dark.
But calmly and quietly at the same time,
something else is happening underground.
An inner revolution is taking place,
and certain individuals are being called to a higher light.
It is a silent revolution.
From the inside out. From the ground up.
This is a Global operation.
A Spiritual Conspiracy.
There are sleeper cells in every nation on the planet.
You won't see us on the T.V.
You won't read about us in the newspaper.
You won't hear about us on the radio.
We don't seek any glory.
We don't wear any uniform.
We come in all shapes and sizes, colors and styles.
Most of us work anonymously.
We are quietly working behind the scenes
in every country and culture of the world.
Cities big and small, mountains and valleys,
in farms and villages, tribes and remote islands.
You could pass by one of us on the street
and not even notice.
We go undercover.
We remain behind the scenes.
It is of no concern to us who takes the final credit,
but simply that the work gets done.
Occasionally we spot each other in the street;
we give a quiet nod and continue on our way.
During the day many of us pretend we have normal jobs.
But behind the false storefront at night
is where the real work takes a place.
Some call us the Conscious Army.
We are slowly creating a new world
with the power of our minds and hearts.
We follow, with passion and joy.
Our orders come from the Central Spiritual Intelligence.
We are dropping soft, secret love bombs when no one is looking
Poems ~ Hugs ~ Music ~ Photography ~ Movies ~ Kind words ~
Smiles ~ Meditation and prayer ~ Dance ~ Social activism ~ Websites
Blogs ~ Random acts of kindness...
We each express ourselves in our own unique ways
with our own unique gifts and talents.
Be the change you want to see in the world.
That is the motto that fills our hearts.
We know it is the only way real transformation takes place.
We know that quietly and humbly we have the
power of all the oceans combined.
Our work is slow and meticulous,
like the formation of mountains.
It is not even visible at first glance.
And yet with it entire tectonic plates
shall be moved in the centuries to come.
Love is the new religion of the 21st century.
You don't have to be a highly educated person
or have any exceptional knowledge to understand it.
It comes from the intelligence of the heart,
embedded in the timeless evolutionary pulse of all human beings.
Be the change you want to see in the world.
Nobody else can do it for you.
We are now recruiting.
Perhaps you will join us -
Or already have.
All are welcome
The door is open

~ author unknown

Wednesday, 24 November 2010



You were young, exploring sex, wanting to try something different, but you were afraid to make the suggestion to your partner because you feared a negative reaction. OR You are mature, and are still afraid to ask.

Even you are single, but you don’t take the dance classes you would love to do because you think dance partners will think you unattractive, overweight or incompetent.

“He / she won’t like it if I go away on my own for a yoga retreat, to be with strangers.”

“I have to be home at 1pm to make his salad”. Believe it or not this is a true situation. I know the person. She should teach him how to go to the fridge and prepare a salad!!!

“Tonight is the weekly event of my spiritual group, but my partner suggested that we go out for a pizza, so I had better go for the pizza and miss my “hobby” evening.”

You wanted to go out on Friday, but did not tell you partner, who has now arranged something else for you both.

You want to spend time with someone with similar interests, of the opposite sex.

How many of us live a lie, in one way or another, to make life function?

It is often said that marriage is a compromise, as is any relationship between two people.

The examples above all reflect a number of simple facts.

LOVE. You love your partner so much that you don’t want to upset him / her by saying what you really want. By you being sweetness and light, and not demanding, you think that he / she will love you more.

FEAR. You fear the reaction so that you don’t want to upset him / her by asking what you really want.

Your partner may be the “stuck in his ways” type who will never change.

I am not advocating that where a partnership works, and all is peace and calm, that you suddenly start to create frictions, which you have been carefully avoiding for years.

Your partner may LOVE you so much that he / she would want you to do or have what you want, but if you don’t ask, you are PRESUMING his /her opinion / reaction, and not finding it for real. He / she would actually be upset to think that you did not say and do what you really want.

“He / she will only love me if……………..” is conditional love.

Take time to decide what you really want to do, both for small matters and for important ones. Starting with the small ones, test the water with you partner. “I would really like to do this dear – it will only cost x, or I want to be out on Tuesday evenings for y.” “Does that affect your plans?

What kind of relationship do you have? Can you say, “ I am going to ….on Tuesday so I will be out”, or are the dynamics of the relationship such that you have to seek consent?

Many relationship issues reflect years of at least one partner not saying what he /she wants, just accepting passively what is, and building up frustrations and negative feelings which could have been solved by communicating years ago.

It is not too late to start communication about issues in your mind which remain unspoken, and which you want to bring into the open. You may be pleasantly surprised by the outcome. Or perhaps it will identify that you are living a lie, and perhaps it is time to leave the comfort zone of that lie, and start to live your truth, even if it may mean some initial chaos. What is important to you?

Our spiritual growth and true purpose in life can be more important than the comfort zone lie of a relationship. Let me remind you of some characteristics of the 3rd dimensional mind:

Fear, Anger, Jealousy, Victimhood, Ego, materialism, conditional love, control and living from the brain.

We can aspire to, and live in 5th dimension characteristics:

Peace, Joy, Unconditional love, honesty, openness, allowing, community, sharing and living from the heart. We can be happy for our partner to do what he / she wants to do, when we can aspire to this way of thinking.

We have a right to do what we want where it is with good intention, and without hurting others. Many people are out of balance and either control, or are controlled.

Will you hurt another by saying what you think, or are you challenging the other to change his / her perspective for the better? Do not prejudge this important point. They need the opportunity to learn too.

With better communication, good intention and unconditional love and understanding we will grow as individuals and create a better world.

Copyright David Millner
November 2010

Wednesday, 17 November 2010



We have a choice. Despite what we have been conditioned to believe.
We can do what we want and be what we want. It is important to believe this.

There is more to life than earning 1000 a month at a JOB – in an office.

There is a world to break out and to enjoy, a world of freedom.

The thought of that natural existence can cause an unsettled feeling, a move from the familiar comfort zone of hopelessness.

“Sometimes I forget that I sit here for money, since I can hardly see any of my salary”.

“Been there, done that - it is a true trap”.

I stepped out of the box, and feel good. Now is different. I am free, but don't have the income either, so I get by with as little expense as possible, but with a few treats.

I am grateful for every blessing I have. Nature is free and to be enjoyed. People are to be enjoyed.

I am thrifty to have enough for the path ahead, travel etc.

I am working towards abundance, but work is not the true path to abundance.
More true is asking the universe to provide and trusting it. Asking for the right reasons.

Total focus on work leaves the spirit unsatisfied, and closed off from it's true environment.

Better to give time and energy to help others and the universe will provide.

No more the ego, I don’t want to be millionaire etc.

Fortune does not matter,
Fame does not matter,
Just the freedom to do what I want, with whom I want, when I want,
With good intention.
There is no more.

Takes the first steps on the path to Freedom.
Visualise what you want.
Be clear what you want.
Have good intention in what you want.
Ask for what you want.
Take responsibility.
Let the energy flow.

Copyright David Millner
November 2010

Tuesday, 16 November 2010



Saturday, 13 November 2010



The global economic crisis means for many people challenges and limitations, in financial status, in relationships etc.

The media as always spreads fear as one ego based structure after another collapses, or shakes. Who could predict the fall of Communism, or the collapse of banks and other financial structures? Undoubtedly there will be more challenges, even from natural events like volcanoes, restricting air travel and commerce.

Materialism cannot be sustained, while many global populations starve, and countries and citizens live off debt. Is it so important to have the ego-based trappings of life, a bigger car or a bigger house than the neighbour? People are changing their priorities.

Structures NEED to change. Ego based structures must collapse or adapt to growing consciousness.

These are not dreadful events threatening our long term plans, to hang onto dated systems and ideals.

Opportunities are being presented for us as individuals, and as businesses and governments, to change, to grow in consciousness, and in awareness. We have the choice to embrace these changes and opportunities, or to suffer and live in fear.

Now longer can we plan out the next 20 or 30 years of life. We can instead live for each day in gratitude for the blessings we have, and work towards a better, but different world.

Embrace uncertainty; strive to make the world a better place, to serve others and not to live for greed and power.

Embrace the 5th dimension ideals for a better, and different life for all.

See my 25 April 2010 blog “Living in the 5th Dimension and Releasing the Illusions of the 3rd Dimension”, a channelled message.

Move forward not knowing, embracing uncertainty, with optimism for the better world.

Copyright David Millner
November 2010


This short cartoon video sums up so well the meaning of life and what is important.
It is good to remind ourselves.

We should not waste energy on what is unimportant.

Wednesday, 10 November 2010



Is it ok if thoughts distract me in time of meditation? How can I prevent it?

When the mind is quiet, thoughts are most free to surface. That is why many good thoughts and ideas come at 5am. When the mind is busy they cannot get attention.

In meditation, for the majority of people, thoughts will distract you, as will unexpected sounds like music from a neighbour, a cat fight or whatever.

Don't fight them.
Deflect them past you.
Bring back you attention by repeating your mantra and focus on your heart centre or on your 3rd eye chakra.

But sometimes they hold my mind and occupy it, then I can’t get back to mantra and heart....

You can only repeat the manta loudest (internally) to drown out the sound, and feel you eyes looking with eyes closed at the heart centre. But the more energy you put towards the distracting thoughts or sounds, the more they affect you.

Don't make it a fight. Ignore them.

With practice it gets easier. Practice meditation daily even for a few minutes, and at least twice a week make the meditation at least 20 minutes.

Copyright David Millner
November 2010

Monday, 8 November 2010


“I know to trust in the outcome, but it's so hard sometimes!! I do not feel 19 years old, I have always been ahead of my peers which confuses my head a lot. I feel that I am almost 'missing out' on being young because I graduated high school early and started my holistic schooling right away. But I know it's what I want to do and what I love.

Again, thank you for your time and listening to me. Those videos were just what I needed.

You'll be in my thoughts and prayers as you leave for your retreat.”

You feel older than your years. That was my experience also.
Like an old head on a young body.
Time has led me to the conclusion that this reflects the accumulated wisdom of past lives. Unlike your school friends, you are wise (in old knowledge) and you are conscious. You need to develop the growing consciousness and awareness, and to let some rub off onto others.
I feel that you have stepped onto the spiritual path of this lifetime with awareness but you are uncertain, as you move along it.
If you can recognise that this is what is happening to you, and seek out the right people, by intention, to meet on the path and to learn lessons from them (they will also learn from you) then you will develop. The universe will put these people in your path.
You just need to make the connection, and if you can, recognise the fact.
They won't all seem helpful, but you will learn from some who engage in confrontation, just as you will learn from some showing loving support and encouragement.
You have a purpose here. Recognise it by seeing what you like to do, and did as a child. Those skills may guide you to your purpose in the scheme of things.
Lastly, for now, don't act old all the time. Seek out the inner child and enjoy playful, childlike activities for your whole life.
Life is meant to be fun, and not serious.

I will think of you too, and please feel free to stay in contact and ask if you need any help, advice or guidance.
We have connected for a purpose.
It may be that the purpose has already been achieved. It may be that the connection will last for years.

Friday, 5 November 2010



Visualise your life today. Visualise this parallel with life.

You are on a sailing boat crossing an ocean. Something in life is out of balance. You love life though.

You are sailing a long distance through big waves. It has to be done, but it could be easier. You want to reach the distant calm haven.

To sail through a year you cannot just have the nice days, and fresh air, you have to sail through the big waves (of the office etc.) to reach the end of the year.

At the next port there is the opportunity to reflect and to decide what is important, and what to do next. We all have that choice and there are ways to achieve it.

You will find the way, it is early days. There are thousands of days ahead.

There is no point in putting off to another day our desires and dreams.
Life is NOW not the future.
You can do something different for a different outcome.
Make the necessary changes.

But no point to push things either.
You have gratitude for your many blessings.
You enjoy the presents which each day can bring - without expectations.
Go with flow.

The balance is to go with the flow, while making the changes to achieve the desired outcome. Sail to the safe haven, then when the timing is right, take a new course.

Copyright David Millner
November 2010

Wednesday, 3 November 2010



For centuries the wise man, the Guru, the Master, would sit surrounded by followers, disciples. They would remain like this for days, weeks and even years. The Guru would speak words of wisdom, from his own thoughts or to answer questions about all aspects of life.

Others just need occasional guidance on the path.

“It is said that whenever the disciple is ready the master appears. Whenever you are ready the truth will be delivered to you. There is not even a single moment's gap. Whenever you are ready, it happens immediately. There is no time gap.” Osho (20th century mystic).

When the same followers remain at the feet of the Guru, he can rightly say, “you come to me each day and hear my teachings, my words of wisdom. Why are you still here? Did you learn nothing?”

We have what we need inside us, but often need a mirror to see it.

The teacher and Guru is inside all of us, just as a dry seed lives in the land. When we add water to the dry seed it grows. When we activate our spiritual intention and consciousness we start to access the wisdom within.

The mirror can be a wiser, more knowledgeable soul, or can be anyone we interact with where lessons can be learned. We meet the people we need to meet to exercise our karma, or to grow spiritually. We have the choice to learn the lesson at that opportunity, or to ignore it.

We must allocate time to quiet the mind and access our higher self, the true spirit within. Meditation is one way, but a silent walk in nature can be just as effective.

So much lies within, and we need to realise that and explore.

copyright David Millner
November 2010