Therapies and the Spiritual Path

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Monday 8 November 2010


“I know to trust in the outcome, but it's so hard sometimes!! I do not feel 19 years old, I have always been ahead of my peers which confuses my head a lot. I feel that I am almost 'missing out' on being young because I graduated high school early and started my holistic schooling right away. But I know it's what I want to do and what I love.

Again, thank you for your time and listening to me. Those videos were just what I needed.

You'll be in my thoughts and prayers as you leave for your retreat.”

You feel older than your years. That was my experience also.
Like an old head on a young body.
Time has led me to the conclusion that this reflects the accumulated wisdom of past lives. Unlike your school friends, you are wise (in old knowledge) and you are conscious. You need to develop the growing consciousness and awareness, and to let some rub off onto others.
I feel that you have stepped onto the spiritual path of this lifetime with awareness but you are uncertain, as you move along it.
If you can recognise that this is what is happening to you, and seek out the right people, by intention, to meet on the path and to learn lessons from them (they will also learn from you) then you will develop. The universe will put these people in your path.
You just need to make the connection, and if you can, recognise the fact.
They won't all seem helpful, but you will learn from some who engage in confrontation, just as you will learn from some showing loving support and encouragement.
You have a purpose here. Recognise it by seeing what you like to do, and did as a child. Those skills may guide you to your purpose in the scheme of things.
Lastly, for now, don't act old all the time. Seek out the inner child and enjoy playful, childlike activities for your whole life.
Life is meant to be fun, and not serious.

I will think of you too, and please feel free to stay in contact and ask if you need any help, advice or guidance.
We have connected for a purpose.
It may be that the purpose has already been achieved. It may be that the connection will last for years.

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