Therapies and the Spiritual Path

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Tuesday 26 October 2010



How often do people try to be someone else? They put on an act, a front, a show. It means one thing – that they are not satisfied or content with who they really are.

Behind that façade lie insecurities, they are inadequate, inferior, will be rejected. Often the act will include excessive boasting about material possessions or the places they travelled to, even inaccurate or misleading descriptions of career and jobs. And about sexual “conquests”, because that may be how they see relationships.

Worse still, there are many people who are impressed by the false images. Just look at the mass of high circulation magazines about people who live false lives – the so called stars and starlets, the “in crowd”, followed by paparazzi, and with every secret of life on public display for money or prestige.

They all carry high expectations, and few will be happy beyond fleeting moments. Expectations lead to disappointments. Money does not make millionaires happy. It does make life easier for those struggling without it of course.

The same traits are seen throughout all stratas of our materialistic society and not confined to the “rich and famous”.

To be false is to carry a burden, a secret guilt, trying to remember at all times the false character so as not to be caught out. Trying to be someone else just reinforces the belief that you are not good enough. It drains energy and serves little purpose.

You will live in dread of being exposed, and being found out as the hypocrite, and fall hard from favour.

We do not succeed in finding happiness as someone else. We are all unique and that uniqueness is what makes us special. Visualise the perfect scenario –“I am happy with who I am, I am content with being who I am, I am grateful for my uniqueness. I am proud to be me. I love myself – for only then call you truly love others

Real people respect others for being themselves, whether they like them or not. Do not respect false people. They can be so obviously false, that you could laugh at them.

To be real, start by identifying (and write down) your core beliefs and truths, and also your vulnerabilities. Find out who you really are and what you believe in.

Can you be yourself in every situation, with your boss, your partner, your mother-in-law, your best friends? How far do you compromise your true beliefs to “fit in”?

What is the motivation and purpose in every thing you do? Is it for your higher good or to help others? If not, reconsider it.

Spend time alone each day, get into the habit of regular meditation, and get to know the real you. You never know, you could have a pleasant surprise. You will become natural. Others will like and respect that, or move away from you. That does not matter. In turn you will like and respect those who are themselves being themselves.

Remember that while you cannot choose your blood relatives, you can choose your friends, so mix with positive, true to themselves people, and be one yourself.

Have an open mind, admit your errors, go with the flow of things and feel your self- esteem growing. Dress well and walk tall with confidence as you show off the real unique person that you are.

Copyright David Millner
October 2010

1 comment:

  1. One reader responded to be:

    That resonated a lot with me as for years I wasn't really me, and instead turned myself into what others expected me to be. It's good to have 'me' back, and not not only back, but better than ever before.

    I love the way you write. Informative, straight to the point and no complicated, fancy words that other writers try to impress with.
