Therapies and the Spiritual Path

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Wednesday 20 October 2010


The spiral is the most prehistoric and ancient symbol found in all indigenous cultures, as important as the sun. How did tribes scattered thinly and far apart around the globe have the same symbol? Where did they see it?

For the Romans and Greeks it was the symbol of the gods and oneness of the soul.

To the Celts and Norse it meant all the universe, eternity and goddess.

In India it represented The One and female sexuality, and contains the Fibonacci number sequence.

For the Aborigine it represented all things that are glorious.

In Islam the symbol is used to show Holy things which may not be written.

African cultures see it as the womb, great mother and goddess.

For the Hopi it represents the sacred ones and all living things.

In the Orient it represents the beginning of all life, where the gods came from.

To Native Americans it represents all energy, all consciousness and Great Spirit.

Mayans saw it as the seasons, solstice and the circle of life.

Immortality was the meaning for the Polynesians.

The Native American version of “energy” sits neatly with the fact that spirals of energy emerge from the chakras of the body and are visible to some. My personal experience includes attending a Munay Ki workshop. I lay on the massage table as the facilitator worked to clean my chakra energies. One of the workshop participants saw a spiral of black leaving one of my chakras, as did the facilitator.

The same applies to earth energies, at “chakra” points of the Earth. Dowsers have shown the energy patterns of Ley lines and at the “nodes” where the spirals can be “observed”. Go to Sedona, Arizona and visit the VORTEX, actually many vortices of energy. They are everywhere.

Bath water leaves the bath in a spiral, caused by the rotation of the Earth. It is true that in the Northern hemisphere is flows in a clockwise motion, while it can be see to be anti-clockwise in the Southern hemisphere.

There have been many recent sightings of spirals of light in the sky. One is on film at, seen over Norway in 2009.

Was this what the Ancients saw? Scientists dream up their explanations, always to distract the observers from the possibility that for eons, Light beings from the Pleiades and other parts of the Universe are signalling to the occupants of Earth. These benevolent beings are far more advanced than we are, and will come one day to bring peace and light to Earth. You can agree or disagree. It is widely known that Governments and Military have much knowledge of UFOs and extra terrestrial activity and keep it silent. They fear for their status and control, should the Light Beings “invade” to make the world a better place.

Those ancient people used the sky as their books and knowledge. They all saw the same symbols. They also understood energies and balance, which skills have been almost lost today, as the brains of science try to prove and disprove things which were once known to many.

David Millner
October 2010

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