Therapies and the Spiritual Path

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Sunday 31 October 2010



Unsurprisingly SEXUALITY and SPIRITUALITY part 3 motivated a number readers to respond to me.

“Great article, David. Lots of truth here.”

"Yes David! Rockin' article, WOW! I had no idea how like minded we are."

"As a therapist myself, I have found this definitely to be the case. This is NOT an excuse to be promiscuous however. It is a way of discovering the true self within and balancing the three main spheres of our being; mental/emotional, spiritual, and physical."

“I mean...sometimes....many times....people can find the spiritual way as a ...way out. You can do it of course, but in a very evoluted way and how is the percentage of those living the experience like that (evoluted I nowadays world)? The line which separates healthy" holy" sex from simple fucks is very thin.....and too difficult sometimes to be excused /dismissed as a spiritual way to grow. There should always be a part of decency and morality in it.”

I found an excellent definition of SACRED SEXUALITY, the path of Tantra, on the web:

An exploration of the Human condition
Leads to self discovery
Verifiable through observation and experience
Where integration of body, mind & spirit takes place
Healing on subtle levels can transpire through the cultivation of Prana or Chi
Becomes a path of bliss, affirmation & joy
Awaken/reawaken the sense of your completed, loving, sensual self and share that Divine self with another.

There should of course be decency and morality in it. Is it not more decent and moral to be open about relationships, than the norm of deceit and secrecy? Better to be wishing your partner to enjoy what he or she needs with love and acceptance. If only we can all live in the 5D ways of universal love and consciousness, and without 3D jealousies, anger, and hatred etc.

When that happens the world WILL BE a better place.

I was also asked to be “Agony Aunt”: Good morning and thank you for posting about having a relationship outside your core one.... I didn't know that I would be that other person. Neither one of was married and he met someone and made her his core person, but has kept me as a mistress... I'm just now after 8 months dealing with it and am very sad... He hasn't been honest with either one of us and I'm not sure what to do? She doesn't know anything and that's what is bothering me too? Is it ok for me to ask you what I should do?

This is different, and very 3D. The writer is spiritual and has the unrealistic expectations that the boy friend and new core partner will be also. I advised her to consider that she is being used, and she may prefer to let go of the “security” or comfort zone of the relationship, and to move on to be open to meet a new partner who is also on a spiritual path. Mixed spiritual level relationships can work, each accepting and supporting the other and the differences, or can be a disaster, due to the culturally different ideals.

All of the comments received are helpful and we should consider the theme of part 3 of the blog in the stated context of people coming together for the purpose of each growing spiritually from the experience. Intention is very relevant. If two people come together with the intention of only a sexual relationship, that is outside of the concept under discussion.

Many people like to fit into some model, which they understand and can follow. Marriage is such a model. The new model is not fully shaped. The model of a tribe or community will help some. Here groups of people will bond together to further some common interest(s). Others will relate to the concept of Polyamory, where the two people in a core couple will openly have one or two deep spiritual meaningful relationships of a long term nature running simultaneously with the core couple relationship. More about that model in a future blog.

Of course, the two person model is just fine too, and will remain the majority option to living alone, for some years to come.

Copyright David Millner
October 2010


  1. David, thank you for posting my question. It means alot to me, being that Im sure I am not the only one in the world who has been put into this situation and has had a great learning experience from it... Thank you.
    Im looking forward to learning more about 3D,5D too

  2. btw....wvwryone talking about 3d humans as if we were ....movies...and 5d...i wonder why this gap....where is the 4d???? ;)
