Therapies and the Spiritual Path

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Sunday 18 April 2010

Seven Ways to Nurture Your Immune System

Seven Ways to Nurture Your Immune System

1. Manage your stress. Learn and practice a meditation or relaxation technique on a daily basis.

2. Eat well. Favor fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Limit your intake of red meat, processed foods, and refined carbohydrates.

3. Get to bed no later than 10:30 p.m. Awaken with the sun. Learn more about a healthy sleep routine here.

4. Exercise. Integrate flexibility, strength building, and cardiovascular activities into your daily routine.

5. Laugh. Studies have shown that one good belly laugh improves immune function for 24 hours.

6. Get touched. Massage awakens immune function and feels good.

7. Look at things that inspire you. Limit your exposure to violent television programs and movies. A Harvard study showed that watching violent scenes weakens immunity, whereas watching loving images stimulates the immune system.


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