Therapies and the Spiritual Path

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Saturday 17 April 2010

Where to start?

Where to start? There's so much on the internet about 2012, channel information from spirit, past lives, enlightenment, meditation, energies etc. etc.

Who am I to start being an expert?

So I will draw from the wisdom of many, and that fantastic resource, the internet, and do what I think I do best, that is COMMUNICATE things that I have learned, and things I find which I hope will interest you dear reader of my young blog.

So to start here is Eckhart Tolle talking about enlightenment.

Perhaps we don't have to strive for it. It is already in us. We need to recognise it?


1 comment:

  1. Looks great so far! Eckhart Tolle is so much fun to watch. Have a Great day!
