Therapies and the Spiritual Path

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Sunday 15 August 2010

SURYA and CHANDRA The Play of Sun and Moon in human relationships


The Play of Sun and Moon in human relationships

In ancient Vedic scripts the sun SURYA, moon CHANDRA, and the planets were all related to human characteristics and interaction.

The sun gives the light, and energy from it’s fire, the masculine quality. The moon reflects the light of the sun, the feminine quality. When Surya leads and takes responsibility, Chandra is bathed with the light and there is harmony. All is as nature planned.

Surya attracts Chandra and the essential male – female energies support each other. Chandra is programmed to be beautiful, and to praise and encourage Surya, who in turn is devoted to love and to take care of Chandra, and the family. Surya is the strength and leadership. Patient Chandra is responsive to the leadership, and dedicates her life to be the support of their Surya partner, and mother to his children.

Surya is the leader. There can only be one leader. In present times many women take the role of Surya because the man in the relationship does not lead, or take responsibility. He may have been raised by a Surya mother, often in a single parent family. He was conditioned to the Chandra role by the strength of his Surya mother who fought to raise him alone, and dedicated years of her life to this lonely task, which she would not have missed for the world. He does not know how be be Surya to a woman.

Or the woman is the single mother, or single career woman, so is the Surya. She has the capability to revert to the Chandra role if she meets a strong Surya male, or can remain the Surya to a weaker Chandra male.

Some Chandra women, on connecting with the Chandra male, spend years of patient encouragement to train their man to be the Surya. Some just become the Surya of the relationship.

As women recognise and practice their spiritual growth and journey, many will become the Surya, in that aspect at least, or will walk away and take the journey alone. Many Surya women walk the spiritual path.

So how can career couple, both, Surya, has a personal relationship? In practice one or other will become the Surya at home, the other the Chandra. It can be one roll at work, the other at home. There will be compromise, separate paths within the relationship, or clashes. In practice, they can both be so drained by the careers that they come home and exist, sharing meals, a concert, a holiday, and little else. But they remain connected because most of the package functions to a degree of satisfaction.

Of course this is just a scene from the play. The young men taking the powerboat to a bay for a boys day out, drinking beer, and playing loud music for everyone nearby to hear, are not taking responsibility. They are Mars, not Surya.

To keep this article simple, the planet aspects have been ignored but will exist in all.

Are you Surya, taking responsibility? Are you Chandra, reflecting the light and providing the support to a Surya? Does reading this inspire you to change?


David Millner

15 August 2010

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