Therapies and the Spiritual Path

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Sunday 22 August 2010

When you want something…..

When you want something…..

Read the signs, read the omens. They are there for all to see as we progress through life. But how many of us notice them, and then how many of us react and take action because of the sign. Call it intuition if you prefer. But the signs are real. Like seeing 11:11 regularly on digital clocks, and other places.

Be aware. Or be unaware.

One choice in life leads to another, and to another. That is happening to me. And as a result a new friend told me that I must read Paul Coelho’s classic book, THE ALCHEMIST. I went online to and found it. I placed an order. The order could not be fulfilled because the seller would not post the book to the country I am in.

I am learning to go with the flow, and not fight against it.

Various friends on Facebook keep posting quotes by Paul Coelho, which I find inspiring. I saved a few. The signs are all pointing me to Paul Coelho, and to the Alchemist.

Finally I am watching a Paul Coelho video interview on youtube, and as usual scan the similar options to the right of the screen. There is a short video about The Alchemist. I watch it and see The Alchemist (1/30) and click on that.

English actor Jeremy Irons starts reading the book to me. Three hours or so later he reaches the end with video (30/30). I am thrilled that it was so easy to “hear” the book. I am also thrilled with the simple message running through the book:

When you want something the whole Universe will conspire for you to have it. If you really want it, put your energy and vibration into the air to achieve it. Turn the dream into reality. Take the risk. Step away from the comfort zone. Don’t be afraid of making mistakes. Dive deep into the universal language of signs and omens, and with practice, focus and dedication, step into the unknown and follow the dream.

Put aside fear, the fear of failure, the fear of success, the fear of the unknown, the fear of what others will say. There are many dream stealers out there who will do everything in their power to persuade you to give up on your dream. Ignore them and follow your heart and your truth.

Thank you Paul for the vision, and for showing the way. You followed your dream to write books and to inspire. Many were inspired before me. Many more will be.


  1. David, I´m very happy to hear that You have experienced same as I were : ) very deep inner speaking voice of Your own. Alhchemist have been a round for a while, but more important to you, just now when you mostly needed it!

    This is for all of us. When you start to open yourself to signs you start to find your life purpose and joy of making : )

    Best Regards,
    "the new friend who lead the way"

    Markku : )

    PS I still highly recommend the book as a "must" to hear (audio) or to read : )

  2. when ever i speak about a particular thing that i know is meant to happen or is right or is the truth, there i see numbers in sychronicity straight away. It started with 11:11, all the time, i would sit at a table in a random restaurnt and always end up sitting at table 11, i'll see number plates 111, go to bed and look at the time it's 11:11, even looking at a random page in a bible once it came 111, i looked up a place i was visiting in Sicily, it was page 111, when i email my mother it's often 11:11, then i started seeing 222 555, 777 even 999, look at the time twice in a day and it's 9:11 and then a bill will come to 9:11, or 111 o1 11:11, when i look at the inbox on the moblie or emails 44 . all these numbers are popping out at me constantly. A big message from the universe i guess. i have research a little on internet about this and many othera are seeing this too. are we pre programmed?
